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Preview of Pixels problem


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Newbie here. I have LOR pixie 16 which I know can support 100 lights per channel. I have a window which is 200 lights. The strands come in 50's so I have 2 x 50 x 2 outputs, 4 strands in all. So 2 channels. In preview. I draw the window and put 60 pixels wide and 40 sides. I have selected unit ID to 20. It assigns the circuits. But HOW does it know that I am using 2 outputs? 

Do I need to be having 1 output per side of window, or as the unit is 200 lights in total, just use the 2 outputs? Thanks in advance.

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A Pixie16 uses one ID per output so when you assigned the first output (20) the software automatically assigned the other outputs in hex order.

And just so you know, if you still have a basic license you will not be able to use a Pixie16 as Basic only allows two ID's where a Pixie16 will use 16 ID's. You will need to upgrade your license.

Edited by Mr. P
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What my friend above said.

Let me add- you will need a pro license and to get more than 100 pixels per channel but not more than 172 you will need to set it up as a Pixcon16 - That is after you configure it in HU.

View my tutorial in the General Hardware section stickied up at the top.

All pixies work the same so song be to concerned with my video only being a pixie4

About the “how does it Know ports”.

You will have 16 lines (ports) in your sequence. Which ever lines you sequence to and connect your strings to are the ones that will get the data.


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Yes I have been upgraded to Pro now! I am using the TSO pre-sequences songs. LOR have provided me with the pre-assigned channels. But I have no way of knowing if the pre-programmed sequence matches up with the lights on the house......!

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2 hours ago, Nickw said:

Yes I have been upgraded to Pro now! I am using the TSO pre-sequences songs. LOR have provided me with the pre-assigned channels. But I have no way of knowing if the pre-programmed sequence matches up with the lights on the house......!

There lies at least part of the problem.

I believe they list the unit id’s and channels on the ad where you purchased it.

If buying from LOR I suggest purchasing the unlocked version. That allows you to open the sequence and copy paste what you need in to your own config.


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Yes they have already sent me a list of channels which should be assigned. That is fine. I have also purchased the modified version.

So what I have done is create a Preview with my house and the props according to the correct channel no provided by LOR.

But having copies the files from the SD to my PC, I can't see how to play the sequence so it shows up on my house?
I have the files, I have the preview that comes with the LOR pre-provided sequences, but I can't change it to my house and my props?

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Does each sequences come with its own preview? This is why you see so many suggesting that it is pretty late (if not TOO late!) to be trying to learn S5.

IN S5, the goal is to create a single preview that matches your house, layout channel assignments, etc. so that you can reuse it for every sequence. You probably need to create that preview that from scratch using preview design.

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3 minutes ago, tlogan said:

Does each sequences come with its own preview? This is why you see so many suggesting that it is pretty late (if not TOO late!) to be trying to learn S5.

IN S5, the goal is to create a single preview that matches your house, layout channel assignments, etc. so that you can reuse it for every sequence. You probably need to create that preview that from scratch using preview design.

LOR uses the same basic template for all of their house sequences therefore if the OP set his configuration to match theirs its a copy paste (if S5 allows that)


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That makes it a little easier (LITTLE being the operative word). He should be able to modify the preview using the preview design and save it under a different name and then reassign the new preview to each sequence. Once the design is the way he wants it and saved, it may even be faster to import the sequences and specify the new preview on the import screen. Otherwise, it's a LOT of clicking to open the sequences, click down the menu, click on the command, click to save, open to make it worked, etc.. I'm just speaking from experience.

Sorry, @dibblejr you're going to learn more about S5 than you ever wanted to know!

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19 minutes ago, tlogan said:

That makes it a little easier (LITTLE being the operative word). He should be able to modify the preview using the preview design and save it under a different name and then reassign the new preview to each sequence. Once the design is the way he wants it and saved, it may even be faster to import the sequences and specify the new preview on the import screen. Otherwise, it's a LOT of clicking to open the sequences, click down the menu, click on the command, click to save, open to make it worked, etc.. I'm just speaking from experience.

Sorry, @dibblejr you're going to learn more about S5 than you ever wanted to know!

Knowledge is power but I doubt reading posts will give me the info. I retain better hands on. I am considering installing on an unused desktop to practice but no time soon. LOL

For me to jump from 4.3.18 to 4.4.4 was forced due to windows update or that would have never happened. S4 never let me down, if it isn't broke don't fix it.


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