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Show on Demand


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Season is almost over, and probably should have used show scheduler, but opted to use Show on Demand. Works, sort of. I enter the time to start and the time to stop and hit OK. The CP shows  Schedule Loaded, Initializing LOR Networks, LOR Networks Initialized, Request for show on demand received and Show Player Initialized. I would have thought at this point LOR was happy and would start the show at the time I selected. But it does not. Nothing happens, no additional messages as the time comes and goes. I need to repeat the Show on Demand  request again. Any ideas?

And why would background start shortly after the main show? I would have expected it start first, but it starts in the exact same place, about 7 seconds into the main musical show. Background in my case are some static house, fence and tree outlines

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Sounds like you may be using "save as" when creating your sequences. If so reopen the sequence, play the sequence and this time use "save". Using "save as"as much as some people will not agree de links the mp3 and the sequence. You get no error or nothing.

Best of luck


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Show just won't launch on first try. If I hit Show on Demand again, its fine. It also works with scheduler, but I prefer show on demand . It seems to work more reliably if I hit start as soon as possible rather than setting a time, so I do not believe it is a Save As issue, but Thanks JR

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Had some time before the partying started yesterday so tried doing only saves, and problem persisted. For the final show of the year, I had multiple shows to play at different times and rathe than struggling with Show on Demand, used the  scheduler and all worked fine. I did try on last time around 2AM to do a show on demand, and same problem. 

Definitely a strange one I have not seen before and so elusive in attempting to fix

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