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Need help with DIY problem.


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Hello everyone,

Well, I have 5 controllers down and I have not had a single problem, until last night. I think I was working on the boards a little to late. I finished about 2:00 A.M. I did learn a lesson, when your tired, STOP. I make two mistakes and I am not sure if either one of them is the problem. The first one was with U2. It has to socket you solder on first and then snap the micro-processor into the socket. I soldered the socket backwards, but I noticed it before I placed the micro-processor in the socket correctly. So the processor is mounted correctly, but the socket is still backwards. Would this cause channels 9-16 to not work at all? My second mistake was with US, the 20 Pin IC. I soldered it in the wrong direction. I noticed this right away and tried desoldering it, but 20 pins is hard to do. I was able to get the 20 pin IC out and I soldered a new one in from another LOR kit I have. I just hope I did not damage the board with excessive heat while trying to remove the IC mounted the incorrect direction.

When I boot up the board, everything looks good and the lights work great on channels 1-8, but I don't get anything from channels 9-16. Any tips or ideas. I have looked over everything else and compaired it to the other boads that work fine and everything looks good. I checked for bridges or joints that were not soldered, and everything looks good. Thanks in advance for your help.


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as I recall one of the resistor networks has to be in correctly. You may want to double check the resistor networks for proper orientation.

If nothing else works. Remember LOR's warranty.


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Hey Chuck, Thanks for your reply. I will check that out. I have another 10 controllers to build, so I will continue and I hope this is the only problem I encounter. Thanks again, Matt

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