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Internal format - where is it stored?


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I got a new computer to run the show.  I copied the main folder (and all of those under it) over to the new computer, yet most of the sequences get skipped because it said it couldn't find the media file...yet the media file is in the Audio folder.  If I pull up the sequence in SE, it converts it to the internal media format and the sequence works fine in the show.  It appears that the internal format is not saved in the main folder.  Where is it saved?  thx


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If you must use internal media, (and I never have) you may have to open each sequence in the SE to recreate it. You will find the files in the LOR\LORinternal\Cannonical folder

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The sequences and music are exactly the same from old to new.  If I copied the main LOR folder in Documents, shouldn't the LOR\LORinternal\Cannonical folder be part of it?  At work now.  Will need to check the details when I get back.  thx!


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1 hour ago, WayneKremer said:

The sequences and music are exactly the same from old to new.  If I copied the main LOR folder in Documents, shouldn't the LOR\LORinternal\Cannonical folder be part of it?  At work now.  Will need to check the details when I get back.  thx!


It would have to be the exact same file path, same computer name, folders and sub folders. If one thing is different then you have to re-map the music.

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Ah!  The computer name changed from XMAS to NEWXMAS.  Why the heck would they include computer name?  Makes no sense in keeping that info.  Otherwise, the paths and drives are exactly the same.  Just a pain to reload every sequence.  Not a problem...

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3 hours ago, Mr. P said:

It would have to be the exact same file path, same computer name, folders and sub folders. If one thing is different then you have to re-map the music.

That's not necessarily true. I do all my sequencing on a pretty decent desktop, then I use a robocopy batch file to copy everything to the laptop that runs the show. It's set up to mirror the desktop LOR directory, but the computer names are very different... works like a charm.


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