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Hi all

Everything was working (aside from a couple sequences wouldn't play) then a house fuse blew, and now I cant get my controller to work.  Is it because the fuses are blown in the box?  I do not get the green light when its plugged in.

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Make sure there is power to the controller. If you don’t have a voltmeter, take almost anything that has an AC power cord (a light, cellphone charger, power tool, blow dryer, etc) and plug that into the outlet that the controller normally plugs into.  You’re just making sure the outlet or extension cord is energized.  Once you KNOW that there is power to the controller UNPLUG THE CONTROLLER (both plugs if there are two), and you can check the fuses on the controller.  The fuses that come with the LOR AC controllers are not glass so you can’t see the fuse wire inside, you you pretty much need to measure them.  If one or both fuses are blown, a decent hardware store should have replacements.


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FYI I had to send in one of my controllers TODAY for no power. Both fuses were ok, if you haven't yet try removing the upper right jumper and power it up for 10sec. Then power down replace jumper and power back up. If that doesent work contact TS for a ticket and send in your unit.

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