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Setting up scheduled with "all lights on" and musical sequences


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Not sure if I set up schedule right or not.

Goal: all lights on 4:30-6pm / musical sequence show 6pm-9pm playing every half hour / all lights on 9pm-11pm

Musical show is about 20 mins of sequences and added 30 min all light sequence filler to it at end. 

Thought I read that the next scheduled show would kickoff off on the half hour, cutting off the "all lights on" filler in each musical show. 

Does this sound right?

Also, for initial 90 minute all lights on,can I use a 1 minute all lights on sequence somehow repeating with no breaks or do I need a 90 minute sequence?



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I run the same type of schedule. I created 3 different shows, a lights on show, a lights off show, and the actual show. To make life easier in the schedule editor, my lights on and lights off shows are each 3 minutes long. I created them as musical sequences but with no music in them. Make sure you have the lights set to stay on when each sequence ends.

my schedule is as follows: 

4:30-4:37 lights on show

4:57-5:00 lights off show

5:00-9:00 2017 show

9:00-9:00 lights on show

11:00-11:03 lights off show


doing it this way allows an accurate start time for the real show, and you can easily adapt this to have shows start whenever you want with the lights on static between shows. It’s important to realize that my lights on and off shows are a few seconds longer than 3 minutes, so they don’t repeat. They play once, and then the lights stay in their current state until the software plays a new show.

i hope this makes sense! There is a lot of flexibility in the scheduling of shows if you think a bit outside the box with the schedule editor.

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