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smart pixels work on S3?


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Just started smart pixels this year and want to make sure Software S3 advanced can run this from  the e1.31.  I can only get an .las file (animation seq.) to work but not an .lms file musical seq. to work.  The control lights option under the play menu keeps getting unchecked when attempting to run an .lms sequence.  I know the second part of this question belongs under a different topic but want to make sure my software version is sufficient enough first.



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I am pretty sure  I was using S3 Advanced when I started E 1.31, in 2014. 3.8 if I remember correctly.

If an LAS file is working it suggests to me that the audio file may have a problem. Try re downloading the MP3 if you can and make sure the format is 128kbs and constant bit rate. Use Audacity to convert it if neccessary. Try a .wav file too.

I think a license renewal is only $30 and an upgrade to S4 Pro will only cost $50 and there are a lot of improvements that came with S4.

Go here to see what you need.


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I got it going.  For some reason it wanted an LOR CTB16 controller hooked up. Probably because it is listed in network preferences. I was trying to run /test the smart pixels only, running from my pc. 



Thanks for your reply

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I didn't need a controller connected, but it may have been complaining if there was no RS-485 adapter found.


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yea, I am running two CTB  controllers in my display anyway. Now I hope something odd doesn't show up when I hook up my dumb rgb's 

Running the dumb RGB's from usb, LOR controllers from usb via rs4845 adapter then the smart pixels from e1.31.  I guess this is the only setup that can maintain the lor shimmer and twinkle functions

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LOR shimmer and twinkle work just fine on DMX (and therefore also on E1.31).  The major difference is that the show player has to do the on/off commands rather than just sending a “shimmer for the next 2 seconds” command.  I have almost 5,000 channels of  smart RGB via E1.31 and I use both shimmer and twinkle regularly.


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