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When building a spoke in pixel editor does each spoke start at the bottom (middle) and work its way outward? Once the spoke reaches the end of the spoke does the next spoke start at the bottom (middle) again. I plan on building a pixel spoke this year but just am not sure how the pixel editor lays it out. I hope you all understand my question. Thanks

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2 hours ago, ebrown1972 said:

When building a spoke in pixel editor does each spoke start at the bottom (middle) and work its way outward?

In the quick example I made, yes that's what it appears to do. PE only lets you select a middle staring point. At least that's what I see.

2 hours ago, ebrown1972 said:

 Once the spoke reaches the end of the spoke does the next spoke start at the bottom (middle) again.

It doesn't seem to matter as PE offers no real effects to test this.


I'd suggest building the prop in Visualizer, then import it into PE. That way you can define the layout of the pixels more precisely and you can sequence this prop in Superstar also. If you use Superstar, you will gain a more diverse way to sequence the blades, than what is currently offered in PE. By not using Superstar with this type of prop, my experiences tell me, you will be missing out on creating more detailed effects that rely on accurate timing. Unfortunately at this time, you cannot sequence both in PE and SS in the same sequence. Once that issue is sorted out, then we should have the best of both worlds.

To illustrate my point, in the thread below, I included a Visualizer file for the blade spinner I made. Follow the instructions to load the visualization into Superstar and load the Sample.sup file and play around with it. Even if you don't have a full version of Superstar you should be able to load the files in the demo version.

Then import the 32 spoke props sharpin.lee into Pixel Editor and play with it. This should give you a comparison for the type of effects you can create in both programs.

The biggest influence on how this prop will look and react to effects is in the Visualization file. Creating a Viz file for Superstar takes a little more time. In my experience no matter what order I create the blades, Superstar always moves the order of the blades in the grid that would make it extremely hard to sequence. I change the order, which is another step most props don't require. In the 32 spoke props sharpin.lee I have made sure when it is imported into SS, it places it in the grid in an order that makes sense to add effects to.

Hopefully all this makes sense. If you have questions or need help with a Viz file let me know.



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I forgot to mention, after you import the prop into PE, create a Prop Group for both "Nested" and "Use Preview". Switching between these 2 group will give very different effects.


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1 minute ago, default said:

I forgot to mention, after you import the prop into PE, create a Prop Group for both "Nested" and "Use Preview". Switching between these 2 group will give very different effects.


I actually did download your vis file and played around with it in pixel editor and superstar. I have used both pixel editor and superstar in my show last year. I have not decided what prop it is exactly that I will build but I do like your prop very much. I only use dmx channels in my display so the layout of your prop doesn't quite fit my layout. I will play around with things a little more. Superstar does give much more control of your prop though. Thanks for all of your input too.


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On the PE spoke prop, the first pixel is always on the inside of each spoke. If you are using 1 RGB controller output to drive multiple spokes, then you will need to connect wire from the outermost pixel of one spoke to the innermost pixel of the next.


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33 minutes ago, MattBrown said:

On the PE spoke prop, the first pixel is always on the inside of each spoke. If you are using 1 RGB controller output to drive multiple spokes, then you will need to connect wire from the outermost pixel of one spoke to the innermost pixel of the next.


Thanks Matt for clarifying that for me.

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