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Pixel Editor Cannot control lights and Intensity Files wont play


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Wondering if someone can shed some light on an issue I am having.

I bought a new pixel tree from LOR.  I have everything setup correctly from a networking perspective.  The sequences I created in sequence editor that I added the pixel tree directly to all work fine.  I am having issues with the one sequence with RGM completed in PE, and of course it is the theme of my show this year, porting the files to my show machine and getting it to fire in the show.  The non-pixels work fine but no pixels are firing. I also have 2 cmb24s, 2 CCRs.  Could it be because the 2 CCRs are not on the enhanced network? 

I am sequencing all the non rgb elements in the sequence editor and all the RGBs in Pixel editor.  The show all looks fine in the PE visualization.  I save out the LID file and copy that and the LMS file as well as audio to the show machine.  The sequence runs, but no RGB.  I just realized I did not copy over the two image files I am using in the PE effect for a portion of the show.  I assume I have to copy those over, but could that be causing the issue?

Are the paths to the LID file and picture used in a picture effect relative paths?

So do I have to go through the process you outline in removing the LMS data in PE?  When I open the sequence on the show machine and update the audio file location I see the PE data in blue at the bottom.  Am I missing something?

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lol I was just about to post this in the other thread when I refreshed and saw you started another thread. Anyways here are my thoughts from your post in the other thread, since you are still up I'll post them now, then I reread your new post. 

So I am understanding that the lights are not working when played from the show computer. Has this particular song (sequenced both in Sequence Editor and Pixel Editor) run properly from the computer you are sequencing on, not the show pc. I didn't see that written anywhere and I wanted to be sure that your chasing a mapping issue was correct. If you have seen this sequence (song) light up lights from another PC, then yes it could be a mapping issue. If not, then it could be a problem with the sequence (song) itself. The only song giving you problems is the one sequenced both in SE and PE correct? all other songs sequenced just in SE are fine?

Did the song sequenced with both SE and PE go through the "migration" process? I have yet to do this step, but it is explained here. (see Matt's first post for a link) All of lightorama.com is down for me at the moment or I would have posted just the link.


As I said I haven't done this step, (going to try it soon) but others have and hopefully they can chime in.



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A quick way to check the mapping issue, would be to create a short new sequence just in PE, and send it to the show PC, if it plays then I would think that would eliminate a mapping issue.

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if you sequence your lor controllers in the pixel editor they need to be in enhanced mode unless there in DMX or E131

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Thanks for Staying up late...  I am determined / have to get this working.

I have tried this on two computers.  I have eliminated a network issue.  I have 4 controllers on an aux network that is running in enhanced mode.  One is a gen 3 and the others are 2 cbm24s and a pixcon 8.  Sequences play and I can see all the rgb devices and 16 channels of the one controller. 

No I did not run the migrations tool

Yes, The regular network items and aux network gen 3 controller light up.  Only the locked LID file items showing at the bottom of the sequence do not play.  

I cannot control lights from pixel editor on either machine.

I can control lights in sequence editor and make the RGB devices on AUX network fire. for all other Non PE sequences

Do you have to run the migration tool.  I was under the understanding that if you use sequence editor for regular network channels and use pixel editor for rgb devices you were good, as long as you don't have both apps open at the same time.

Also if you save out the intensity file (LID) then all you need to do is migrate the LID and LMS to any computer.  As long as it show up at the bottom of the sequence with the diagonal blue lines you are good.

Could the problem be that the 16 channels on the aux network were created in sequence editor and that is why they have to be imported?

I did do a test with a new animation and musical sequence, but they will still not render the RGB items on aux network when running the test in sequence editor with control  lights on.



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1 hour ago, jstomasi said:

I did do a test with a new animation and musical sequence, but they will still not render the RGB items on aux network when running the test in sequence editor with control  lights on.

I think this is the issue I would deal with first.  I still cannot get to the help files at lightorama.com, it just times out for me. So I'll go from memory.

I created an animation file in SE with just the channels for the pixie 16, then saved it as PE test.lms (I would just check one prop at a time to emliminate it as an issue)
Start PE
Open PE test and pick whatever prop you have set for one of your RGB props
Add some effects from the effects generator.
Save the file
Then save the Intensity file
Open SE, load PE test, you should see the blue lines at the bottom of the sequence
move the files to your show PC. As I understand it, just the pe test.las and pe test.lid files to the Sequence Directory of your show PC

Be sure to start LOR Control Panel -- It is easy to miss this You can also verify in Control Panel the Comm Ports are all active.

run the sequence on your show pc it should work, if not you may not have the channels set right. To check the channels of your prop that PE wrote to, open the channels like the picture and verify the channels and Unit ID's are correct.


My pic shows the first one is Aux F Unit ID 25, second is Aux F Unit ID 26 . (for my pixie16)


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oops forgot the pic
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First off, thank you so much for your help. 

I stayed up until 2AM EST trying to get this resolved.  Called it and went to bed.  I saw your response above just before I called it as I lost internet connectivity in the middle of this challenge, go figure.

Woke up this morning and checked the channel mappings in PE LID file, in sequence.  BINGO  Why is it always the easiest thing that is right in front of your face.  I guess being a programmer we always look at the problem from the most complex aspect first.

Anyway, I decided to create a fresh LMS sequence.  Copy the LMS timings in from the previous sequence and save it.  Then I fired up pixel editor, modified the props to the correct network, saved out the lid file.  Copied that and the LMS to the show machine and held my breadth and BAAAAM  it is working.  Thank you for pointing out the obvious as I was blinded by 200 + hours of setup and countless months of programming.

My show will kick off at 5PM tonight as scheduled.

Merry Christmas  


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Good News, I figured you called it, it was getting late for me as well. As the old saying goes, Sometimes you can't see the forest because of all the trees.;)   I know the feeling of skipping the obvious. Happens to me almost daily. :)

Hopefully you are outside, getting pats on your back for setting up a nice light show, and telling all the neighbors "nah this was all easy" :)

I'll throw this out there, this is something I learned from the wise members of the forums. Document your setup soon, before you forget. It will make for less headaches next year. This is an example of what I do to keep me on track. This picture gives me all the information about my current setup at a glance. Just food for thought.



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