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Timings Missing


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What would cause timings not to appear in PE?  The first sequence I opened and worked on, the timings were there.  But this second, there are no timings.  When I play the sequence, the song is there, and all the strings light up correctly in the preview.  Not sure what I'm missing???

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No, it was one long "beat".  But if I pressed play, it would play the music and show the lights ( from SE) in the preview.

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Ok, I assume that it may not be saved in SE. Save the sequence in SE, save the sequence in PE then close it. Re open the sequence in PE and see if the timings are there.


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I don't, I just saw it was an option to save as a las.  I was making sure I saved it correctly.  Again, thank you for the quick replies.  You are always a great source of information.



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