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Never seen a xmas light kickstarter like this before...


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Yeah ... I don't like the looks of it ... 

Besides, if you had that much last year, you really don't need help getting more. Just do something different with what you had.

They want an LED Dance Floor? Really? Being that I rent them out I've got some idea the cost, time and effort to put that out. It's not something you'd leave outside all the time, that's for sure.

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I don't think they should be putting this on kickstarter as they are not offering anything. This should be posted on a gofundme instead.

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looks like he is upfront that you will receive nothing of value. Usual for kickstarter YES.  

Agree best place for something this would likely be gofundme.

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Asking for someone to pay for your hobby.  Not cool.


And the sequencing sucked too.

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Davey Jones is asking for the funding. Doesn't he have a locker at the bottom of the ocean somewhere?

I would feel a little better if his name was John Doe, a less common name and more believable.

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It looks like if you donate $25 or more you get an email with a 20 min video.... Oh Boy I'm over joyed with the thought of paying to watch a video of someones display. It's almost as interesting as paying 100 to stand under a mega tree.

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1 hour ago, TitusCarnathan said:

It looks like if you donate $25 or more you get an email with a 20 min video.... Oh Boy I'm over joyed with the thought of paying to watch a video of someones display. It's almost as interesting as paying 100 to stand under a mega tree.

For $25 I'll send you a video I take of you standing under my Mega Tree or Mega Arch. Your choice. Come on over.

Who knows, you might even catch a rare Pokemon here too. 

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2 hours ago, mcha said:

Davey Jones is asking for the funding. Doesn't he have a locker at the bottom of the ocean somewhere?

I thought that Monkee died back in 2012  :wacko:

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4 hours ago, Brian Mitchell said:

Asking for someone to pay for your hobby.  Not cool.


And the sequencing sucked too.

I don't know I'm on the fence on this one.  I wouldn't ask somebody but if they REALLY wanted to pay for my light display that would be pretty darn COOL in my book!

Didn't watch the sequencing so I'll take your word on that one.

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Word on the street is that this is a fellow member here on the forum.

I still don't like the idea of this being on Kickstarter or GoFundMe for that matter. I'm not sure if I like the idea overall. Not going to say I have anything against the person, but the idea, eh, no so much.

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If anyone will send a donation then more power to him, at least LOR is not mentioned on the page since he is a forum member.

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Anyone can have a copy of my videos and feel free to take as many pictures of yourself in front of my tree - no charge.

Now for $$, ill send you a picture of ME next to my tree - ill even sign it! -

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They won't get it. On Kick starter, if you don't hit your goal, you don't get anything.


The campaign looks like it was written in 5 minutes. I cringed a few times. Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. I would have thought they would have been able to come up with something better than a video to send.


The sequencing was bad. The second song (32 seconds) was really out of time. That is as far as I watched as the video was so shaky and audio so bad.

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These kinds of projects never work. The problem is that all of the money would have to be raised by anyone within driving distance of the display. If I live in California I don't care about literally paying for a display in New York. I have nothing against the project creator but this is just not a good idea. Just the fact that the display is already so large gives off a weird vibe to the project. I suggest taking time on the sequencing which doesn't require any cash. There are plenty of elements in this display to create an engaging show but all I saw was a whole bunch of flashing. 

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Watching that gave me a migraine...  Get the sequencing down and that's a decent display.  More is not always better.  All the lights don't have to be on every second of the song.  The mouth on one of the singing trees is on when not supposed to be from 0:40-0:45ish.  Bad idea and that's why nobody has backed the project.  I do my display as a gift to the community. This stands against all I do my display for.  Tis the season for giving not receiving.  If you cant afford it don't do it...  All proceeds to charity.  Shame on you but nice try.   Try a kickstarter on some sequencing from Don at http://syncxmas.com/synchome

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Isn't it illegal to do something like this. I mean, in essence, they're charging for their show, and isn't that a no-no. I've always been of the mindset, if you can't afford a hobby, don't start it. I do agree though, it needs to be on a go-fund-me instead.

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So the real no-no here is that he probably is using music that has royalties. We can get away with (for now) doing this because we don't charge admission or are not sponsored. 

I have my own feelings about the funding aspect, as I believe these are our hobbies. However it may get interesting if he gets any money and the ASCAP, BMI or SESAC catch wind. This could draw more negative attention our way

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Hello Every one. The kickstarter thing was done by my wife without me knowing. She said it was supposed to be a surprise.  Oh it was.  It has been removed. We have always done our light show for the community and have never charged anyone for anything. I have read all your comments and I know the sequences are not up to par for a lot of you.  I am still learning all this.  My Apologies to everyone who may have been offended by this.  All music that is used is bought and paid for. I thank everyone for their concerns.  I also wish to thank everyone who has shared any sequence with me.   Thank You All   Dave  Jones

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