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Looking for Help with Servo Dog Compatible Lights


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I've Been using LOR for a while with 128 Channels of regular LOR as well as a couple thousand pixels. For next year I want to start getting involved with some controllable Spots (I think the Pro guys call them Gobos). I am assuming that this is what the ServoDog is used for or should I simply being using a DMX output of a SanDevices E682 or something like that to control them? I guess I am just looking for guidance as to what I should be shopping for if I want some cool robo-spots for next years show. Anyone have any suggestions as to what is compatible with the Servo-Dog or something else that will do what I want to do?


Bob :)

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DMX controlled moving spots  dont need the ServoDog.    You will set the position of the spot using just DMX numbers as the device manual tells you.  

The ServoDog is used for setting the position of a servo motor directly.  

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