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Please help pixcon major issues


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so for the first time i connected all 16 strips to my pixcon, only 8 lit up, the ports 1-8 only lit 1 pixel up, i checked the network preferences, each port is set to 1 universe of 50 pixels, i switched the strips over so to test that it wasnt the strips, the strips that previously lit up fully now light up 1 pixel, i changed the power income to test that, still same result, i have done a full reset of the board


 my board came up blue, when trying to upgrade firmware it doesnt seem to accept it, (please press done when you have solid light) i dont get a solid light i just get alternating lights, after this the pc will no longer find the board

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I am new to this too, but did get my pixcon to work.  Make sure the green light (power Light) is not flashing (read the set up instructions).  Green light on will indicate that the configuration is correctly set up.  The configuration has to be set up correctly to send data to the pixels.  Did you try to do a hardware test?  You can do a hard ware test by pressing and holding the factory IP button for 3 seconds.  Do it again to stop test.  Make sure your pixels are correctly wired.  There is a Data In (DI) side and a Data Out (DO) side to the pixel.  DI should be connected to the pixcon.  Good Luck. 

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Have you tried using the Pixcon16FirmwarePix16Assistant?  This was the best way for me to find and utilized the controller.

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Have you checked the power supply to ensure that you have the proper voltage to both sides of the board? Check all your power connections as well.

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