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Pixel Editor

Robert Burton

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I was going to start a new sequence to add to the show today. I have not used PE yet and thought I might give it a try... if it is as easy as SE for me ;-)  I want to do a lot of sweeps with this song. Is there a easy way to do entire house sweeps with PE?  In SE I had to make a separate track and stack the elements in the order I wanted the sweep to happen. That included dumb rgb, incan and pixel stuff.  Can you do that in PE?  How?



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Yes, the Pixel Editor can do sweeps across your display. I would recommend first watching the 2 video tutorials on the Pixel Editor, just so you understand how to generally operate the tool. Next, you will need to define all of your elements in a Pixel Editor "preview". You can import from the VIsualizer into the preview to save some time.


Then you will want to create a prop group in your preview with an arrangement setting of "preview". The prop group will appear in the list of elements available to be sequenced on the left side of the grid. Any effects you apply to the group get applied to every prop in the sequence which has a Sequence Method setting of "Pixel Editor". Using a curtain effect on the prop group will give you a sweep across your display.


It will take some time to learn how to work with the Pixel Editor efficiently, but if you have lots of pixels, can be a quick way to make them blink.



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Ok thanks Matt. Sounds kind of like what I did with tracks in SE. Have already created props from my old vis file and added my new stuff. I honestly have TONS of dumb rgb stuff and just ONE 24 string pixel tree and then 7 pixel snowflakes.

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On a related topic to Robert's discussion.  it is possible to program portions of the same track with the pixel editor and other portions with the sequence editor.  I know if the tutorial you say not to but wondered if its possible.  My testing so far has said no.


i.e. I want to use the SE for chances and use the PE for washes or something like that. 



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You can sequence in SE first, then import that work into PE - but it is a hard cutover - the sequence in SE gets deleted in the last phase of the import.


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