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How do I convert white RGBs into a selected color ?


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I converted some incans to RGB.  Then I copied the sequencing from the incan to each of the 3 channels.  R, G, and B.  Now I have all my sequencing, fades, etc in white. 


I would like to be able to pick a color and quickly paint the white to that color.  In my example I am trying to convert to Orange.


I know I can get colors manually by pasting to the R, G and B rows.  But how do I get a complex color to paint on top of white ?

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Tools -> Color Fade Tool.


Don't let the name fool you. To go with a solid color you simply 'fade' from one color to the exact same color.

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If your intent is to simulate the string color you had before, yes it can be done.      

You pasted the effect in all three to get white.  So you get you could have done just R or B for a solid color   OR  both R and B for a blended color.    I think your question was how to get a blended color which is not equal intensity on the two.   Like 100% red and 50% blue.     For that you need to apply the intensity tool using foreground effects on just the blue to the entire row.  


Sounds the old incans were white?   Sometimes people are replacing super strings which are R & G & B incans cable tied together.  That works too but sometimes you get an undesirable color when they overlap which needs to be adjusted. 



There is a recent new feature to support this.   Select the pointer tool then Band your area and right click to get the float context menu.   Change intensities provides option to scale the channel down a % to make a custom blended color.

Edited by ItsMeBobO
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I appreciate the replies.  I had tried the color fade tool.  It only works as you are sequencing.  I could not get that tool to convert my solid white RGB rows of sequencing, over to orange.  I just picked white as a starting point.  Technically LOR converts your incan single row over to red (in RGB).  THe missing step is how to quickly selected the red RGB row and change it to orange. 


Bob O .. you are on point with what I wanted to do.  The incandescent light strings were orange (Halloween sequencing).   Having to pick the R, G, and B rows color manually (and setting intensity) seems like LOR missed something.  The LOR editor needs a simple tool that lets you select any RGB row (or group of RGB rows), then select a color (any color), then apply the selected color to the selection.  Perhaps this is a requirement for a future version ?  I would call this a "Color Paint Tool."   This should dovetail with the Color Fade Tool, or possibly just another checkbox inside the Color Fade Tool (for the paint function). 


Does anyone know the process for contacting LOR to suggest requirments for the future ?  I think this is a good one.

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Update ..  I just tried to follow the suggestion from ItsMeBobO and it was not as successful as I would have liked.  It works perfectly as long as there are no fades.  I used the "Foreground - Set Intensity" and it worked great, but then it ignored all my fades, converting them to solid intensity. 


Now I am looking for trick number two.  Is there a way to lower the intensity but preserve the fades ?  For my orange color, it would mean where red fades from 0 to 100%, green would need to fade from 0 to 50%.  This would get a lot more complicated for complex colors. 


I still think LOR needs the tool mod that I mentioned about.  A lot of people over time will change their incans to RGBs and want to get the original colors back.  Another good use for a "color paint tool" would be to modify the bright white look of the RGBs over to a nice warm white look (or any color) ..  This would be a nice feature !

Edited by kidcole
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You may have missed this part.   I believe it does exactly what you are asking for.   Your fades are not lost using this tool. 

There is a recent new feature to support this.   Select the pointer tool then Band your area and right click to get the float context menu.   Change intensities provides option to scale the channel down a % to make a custom blended color.

Send ideas and wishes to  Wishlist@lightorama.com

Edited by ItsMeBobO
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You may have missed this part.   I believe it does exactly what you are asking for.   Your fades are not lost using this tool. 

There is a recent new feature to support this.   Select the pointer tool then Band your area and right click to get the float context menu.   Change intensities provides option to scale the channel down a % to make a custom blended color.

Send ideas and wishes to  Wishlist@lightorama.com



This looks great ItsMeBobO !   It looks like the feature is in S4 only.   I called a buddy and we tried it on his S4.  I'll upgrade to get this feature. 


After talking it over, we both still think the editor is missing a key feature with not being able to select a color and then apply it across any sequencing selection.  In most cases the intensity change will handle the problem, but it's not as friendly as simply applying a selected color to a highlighted section of the sequence.


I appreciate all your help !

Edited by kidcole
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just fell into this problem as well.  Purchased the singing pumpkin and put in RGB lights.  When I convert the Sequence to RGB it places the entire line on the Red only.  Now I need to somehow convert this to an orange color and you would think there would be an easy way without loosing fades, intensities, etc.


Has anyone figured out a good work around, as the intensity tool is not a very good solution or this, and neither is the color fade tool.


I just want to select the entire row (rgb channel) and then choose a color to have the selected area change to that color.



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Click on the RGB symbol on the channel you want to change. That should open it up to see the separated RED -GREEN -BLUE. Right click on the row. Select Row. Right click again go to intensity and change there. For orange I believe Red is at 100% and green is at 50%.

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There is a recent new feature to support this called Change Intensities.  While using the pointer tool, drag and highlight the area that you want to covert.  This could be the whole row or many rows.  Then right click on that area and select Change Intensities.  You can select the colors you want and you can also change intensity of each color.  This also lets you create blended colors.  They don't all have to be at 100%.  From what I can tell, this feature also preserves all your fades.

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