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S4 first time with LOR network having issue. BAD ISSUES


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First things first.. I will try to give you all the info I can... I need help quickly if you can..


I have been running S3 pro for the last 3 years.  Both e1.31 and LOR a network.  The LOR is via ELLs.  Been fine.. now I have S4 pro.  I have been running the e1.31 stuff for testing without issue.  Tonight I connected my LOR converter for the network and connected an ELL. Started up the HU and it worked to control the two controllers I had with ELLs.   From here, this is what happens. 


I had the HU find my controllers and control them.. I turned  the lights on and off with the HU.  then I tried to run a show and no controllers.  HU closed, Lights ON in SE.  Comm 7 as usual.  My e1.31 would put out just fine, but nothing from the LOR network.  All set up correctly.. ran just like last year.. but with S4 no good.  

So I shut down the SE and unload LOR so the listener is off.. now the HU can't find the converter on the comm port.  Tired a different converter.. it changes comm ports OK according to the Devise Manager, but HU can't find LOR converter.  It shows an ELL connected though..and there is one.. Every time I try the " setup Comm Port " in the HU is says "Unable to locate the Light O Rama port.  Check that controller is connected and that is is powered up. 


I have gone into the device manager and under Port Settings I put it to 115200.  That is what is set in the Network Preferences.  Didn't work.  Set it to 9600 in Device Manager as was the default and still didn't work.  I unplugged the Enet cable feeding the e1.31 string before I started to change values and still no good.  I rebooted the laptop.. no good..


Any ideas? 

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UPDATE:  I have tried everything and it apears I have it working.


There are two things I think need to happen to make it work.  The LOR converter and the e1.31 network need to be plugged in at the time the laptop started up, or the e1.31 plugged in AFTER the LOR network is up and running. 


I also found that even though I could not "find" the converter, it did say "comm 7" in the box and it does seem to work. 


Sorry for the panic, but it is the first time I have ever had issues with networks and since the software is "new", need to make sure no one else had these issues or at least had a work around.



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