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CMB24d - Blown Channel, Switching to an Unused Channel


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I just blew a channel on a new CMB24d.  Started some outdoor setup this week and had been test running my setup so far with a few sequences over the past few night.  

Board was running ok until midway tonight, a channel started staying on.   Wouldn't shut off via hardware utility.  Unplugged and replugged in  board and heard a pop.  The channel no longer goes on.

Imidiate thought was to order a new board and send  damaged one in for repair later.

But I do have an extra channel I could switch over to.  I have a little bit of a unique situation. Running channels 1-8  as 8 separate sigle color channelsleds.  

So power for channels 1-3, 4-6. and 7-8 are grouped together for each channel cluster.

 I could move wire for channel 5 which isn't working, over to channel 9 which is unused.  Channels 12-24 are being used as normal rgb channels.

My question is, if I move wire from channel 5 to 9, do I also have to move  power wire from channel  cluster 4-6, over to power connection for cluster 7-9? Hopefully this makes snese.

The power wires were soldering together before inserting into power terminals. Would take a little to free up the  power wire but If I have to, so be it. Still easier than re-wiring a new board.

Obviosuly I will hae to change the channel confirguation for  sequences.

Edited by mpageler
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