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Are Firmware Updates Needed


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Just wondering with the new Software Updates to S4.2.....  will all the controllers need to have Firmware Updates added as well?  I have the following controllers, but haven't had a chance to dig them out to test.  Second question, is it good to update every time a new firmware comes out, or will they run fine without?


CTB16PC AC Controller

CMB24D DC Card


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If something is working as you expect, then there is no need to update the firmware.


If you see in the "What's New" section of the documentation that there is a new firmware update for your device(s) and you need something it offers, then upgrade.


Otherwise, if it's not broke, don't fix it. :)

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Yes, Just as Don said. But if you plan on using your LOR controller in DMX mode then you must update the firmware to v4.2 or higher on the v1 and v2 boards

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Don-  Where can I find that section you are talking about?  Is there a spot where I can read what the Firmware updates are doing?  I found where to download the update, but not an explanation as to what is to be doing.

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Fire up the help section (in the Sequence Editor) and look through the "What's New" Sections. That's about as much information as you'll get (and in my humble opinion, need.)

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