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Firmware update on Pixcon16

Ron Boyd

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I got the board set up, went to the website and updated the firmware to 1.4.8 from 1.4.6, the device shows Red in the device configure window.


After doing a "Factory Reset", It brings the device back up, but it is highlighted Blue, needing a firmware update.


I re-installed the FW V.1.4.8 and it shows Red again.


I then did the steps for a "Bootloader" install of the firmware, and the device returns highlighted Red again


Any Ideas?

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We released the 1.4.8 firmware a little too soon.  You will need S4 V4.2.0 or higher when it comes out.


The 1.4.8 firmware only changed how the status and power LEDs work, there is no other real code change.  When I get into the office later today I will attach some firmware to this ticket that will work with 4.1.2.

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FYI:  I think we are aiming for a Friday or Monday open beta.  A couple of us have had some issues pop up that are draining our work time, so it's a little delayed.

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Let me ask this really stupid question simply for my sanity.  The board says PixCon16 and the firmware you've attached says PixLite.  Is this because the PixLite and PixCon are the same board?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by BluMan
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Let me ask this really stupid question simply for my sanity.  The board says PixCon16 and the firmware you've attached says PixLite.  Is this because the PixLite and PixCon are the same board?


Thanks in advance!


They are not the same board, that's me getting things confused in my old age (we have some pixlites that we use for testing alongside the PixCons).  I just named the file wrong.  It is for PIxCons, not PIxLites.

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They are not the same board, that's me getting things confused in my old age (we have some pixlites that we use for testing alongside the PixCons).  I just named the file wrong.  It is for PIxCons, not PIxLites.


Oh thank you for clarifying that.  I've just purchased a PixCon16 and I think I'm now more confused than I was when I bought it.  I seem to be walking away from these forums more frustrated and confused so anything that I can clear up for me is awesome.

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Ok, Let ME ask the stupid question. I show on my Pixcon 16 "Synchronized Flash" from both LEDs. I downloaded the Pixcon Assitant. It shows the 1.46 firmware. I'm just trying to get it into test mode. At first it was showing the "Alternating Flash" in "needs to have firmware uploaded". One reason why I downloaded the assistant.  So again after downloading the "Assistant" I at least got it to the "Synchronized Flash" and showing a IP address.


1) Do I have to have S4 to upload the new firmware?

2) Is that zipped 1.46 different from the one I have?

3) How do I get it to test mode? (Won't go into it according how the papers say)

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It does state on the LOR site that they "recommend S4", that really clears it up! I thought, maybe I'm wrong, but Mike said at the Expo the board would need S4.

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You need S4 to use the board successfully.  Can you get away with using the LOR assistant and S3?  Yes, but you won't like it.  If you have NEVER used E1.31 before, and have a Pixcon16, upgrade and don't look back.  You are in for enough problems learning E1.31, and don't need to add in some fiddly configuration issues.


FYI:  The documentation and the status lights are 'out of sync' right now.  One of the last things we did was change how the status lights work - we tried to make them look as close as possible to other LOR controllers.  In the LOR world, flashing = things not working.  Pre 1.4.8 flashing on the PixCon could mean 'it's working properly'.  Once 1.4.8 is out, blinking = not normal.


Again, those changes are implemented in the 1.4.8 and higher firmware for the board.  That firmware has not been released since it requires 4.2.0 or higher of S4.  The documentation on the website is updated to take the 1.4.8 firmware into account.


That means the lights have different meanings that what you are reading in the documentation if using 1.4.7 or below firmware.  I believe there may also be an issue with some versions of 1.4.6 with test sequences.

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Mike I am familar with E1.31. I have 3 Sandevices boards and used those with a switch last year. So figuring that, hopefully... won't be a problem. Just have to remember to take the thing off the home internet each time. Wife just loves me when that happens ;-)


I am going to get S4, soon. I am just sooooo busy with work and another project related to work, I know if I download s4... I wouldn't control myself as far as learning and sequencing. I'm honestly trying to finish all my projects first (in spare time) and then sit and sequence. I can work pretty fast and very much want to get started seuqencing. Kind of like a piece of chocolate cake being waved in front of you and being told you can't have any!


Just really wish I had some testing patterns to work with. It would go along with one of my projects right now :-)

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If you are familiar with E1.31 and have used it in S3, then you should be successful using the LOR Assistant program to configure the PIxCon16 and running it with S3.


I think we are going to release 4.2.0 tomorrow as a beta version - as long as nothing else comes up.

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Mike is there a way to put this into test mode at all without the new firmware?  Firmware updates are done for the Pixcon 16 how?  Through the hardware config panel?

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No not that I know of.  If the instructions are not working (I think it was hold the bootloader button down AFTER the board boots for 5 seconds and let go, but please consult the actual manual), that is one of the versions with non-working test mode.


Please eMail me (mike @ lightorama.com) and lets see if I can't do something for you.

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DevMiike  in s4 what controller do i use in the sequencer so i can seq the Pixcon, alaso will the file you linked fix Pixcon or pixlite, i did same thing with firmware thinking maybe it would allow the sequence editor to see the Pixcon in e1.31 mode  which i am having some trouble with  but i did find and configure pixcon before updating firmware  even got the 16 universes with 50 nodes 150 channels per node to reconize but in network its listing them as ip addresses and in s4 seq'r i cant seem to figure out how to get controller to be shown as an ip any help would be great or is the s4.2 supposed to address this

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