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Preview of show?


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Sorry - another newbie question and a search of the forums didn't bring up the answer.


Let's say I've got my 10 minutes of content done (I don't, but let's say I do).  I've built "the show" in the show builder - how do I go about viewing the show shebang in the visualizer?

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Hi Jaynee,


Welcome to the addiction! :D


You cannot view a "show" in visualizer. The visualizer is a tool for using while you are sequencing each song. You add your effects to the Sequence Editor and then view in visualizer to see if you like what you did. If not, go back to SE and modify or delete what you just did. What I do while sequencing is in the Play tab under play range, I select play visible screen. On my screen SE shows me about 5 seconds so I can add what I THINK I want, go to my visualizer, play the 5 seconds I just worked on to see if I like what it will look like. You can select other play options and the full sequence one will always start from the beginning and play the entire song no matter if you have effects or not for the whole thing. To view your show you'd have to view each complete sequence one at a time.


Hope this helps. Good luck.




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You could play a show on demand and using SE Animator you could view it that way. If you are a wishing to see lights you have connected to a controller, in the play settings  be sure to tick the control lights and play visualizer.

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With all due respect, the visualizer will display during show playback either scheduled, or on demand.

You do of course need to build your visualizer and "wire it up" before it will show anything.

Check the help file or the tutorials or search the forums for assistance on how to do that.

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I definitely use the visualizer while I'm sequencing an individual song to see what the lights will look like when the sequence runs. 


I don't want to see the show using the actual lights plugged into the controllers.  


I just was wondering if the saved show sequences (all together as one) could be viewed as one entire loop in the visualizer, as opposed to just one sequence at a time.

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The visualizer will play whenever a show is running, with or without the actual lights being connected. (a show is a collection of sequences, one or many) If you want to play each song singly, outside of the sequence editor, create a show with just that song in it and play it "on demand"

Playback is often smoother playing a show rather than playing in the sequence editor if you have busy or complex sequences.

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Important: Esp for S4. First make sure the LOR control panel is running.

Open the visualizer, load your .LEE file and put it in display mode.

Then right click on the LOR symbol in the task tray and select "Show on Demand" and follow the prompts.

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Important: Esp for S4. First make sure the LOR control panel is running.

Open the visualizer, load your .LEE file and put it in display mode.

Then right click on the LOR symbol in the task tray and select "Show on Demand" and follow the prompts.


Thanks!  That was the missing info I needed!

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