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Two Pixel trees with different sequences?


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So I'll have two Pixel tree's this year. Last year I purchased one of Daves (holidaysequence.com) sequences and converted to DMX and ran it on my tree. If I wanted to run a completley different Sequence on the other tree, can that be done at the same time within the same sequence? Each tree will be run via a different controller.


I'm just picturing uses Vegomatic and creating  12 new universes for the other tree and copying it  but I've only run one prop with Pixels last year and unlike LOR channels that get assigned per controller I'm not sure how we assign a sequence to a controller for pixels..or I'm just having a moment...lol

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As long as you have different controllers, absolutely. I'm running one of Brians Superstar sequences on one tree and A Holiday Sequences on the other tree. I even go as far as to use some of the effects on other elements, (with a bit of tweaking to match the element)

Edited by Ron Boyd
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If you mean the same song running two trees sequenced differently.  YES.  just have trees on different channels and or universes (may require more than one controller).

Edited by jerrymac
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 Like Ron I have a sequence from Brian and a sequence from holidaysequence for the same song..so I wanted to run each of those at the same time. one on one tree and one on the other.

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As said, if two different controllers with individual commands to each, should work just fine. Just note that the sequence's song must be identical and insure the two are in sync exactly. I might try that myself but I only have one song in two different formats...Wizards.

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No problem, I did it last year with Holiday Sequences and Nutcracker sequences.  Used a San Devices controller on one tree and a P12 on the other tree.  No different than using 2 different LOR controllers for different props.

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That's exactly what I was hoping to do this year. I have the E682 working right this moment in fact and used a P12S for last year. But, this year, I foolishly cooked my P12S...all my fault...paid for another one which is here and now its having major issues. But, this time, its not my fault. I've sent emails to Ed at JoshuaSystems but so far, no reply. I also have a new AlphaPix16 but managed to accidentally touch the update firmware button within its own on-board browser...sure enough, its now stuck and it refuses to come out of that mode at all. What I need is another P12S that's good but for the life of me, no clue if I messed up this one or it just died on its own. Yes, wiring to it was very carefully checked "before" I powered it on. I learned that $235 lesson once already...wasn't going to do that again.

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