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New CTB16PCg3 and DMX


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I recently purchased a CTB16PC G3 controller to use in a DMX universe to replace a LOR16XX I had no problems with the LOR16XX running on my DMX universe. I am using the USB485 as my dongle to connect the computer to the LOR controller. Now on to the problem. When I simply connect the CTB16PC directly to the USB485 I am getting no signal when trying to send DMX; however, if I run the hardware utility, S3 sees the controller no problem. I was not using a crossover cable with the older LOR16XX and thought that this might be the problem; however, after making a new crossover cable, it is still a no go. I am a little confused at the DMX support document as it states that the CTB16PC is compatible with DMX with firmware 4.20 and higher. When I look in the hardware utility it appears that the CTB16PC is running firmware 1.06. I am stumped and don't know where to go from here. I thought that it was going to be as simple as swapping out the two controllers. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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You need to go into the hardware utility and update the firmware on that controller

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