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CCR 4 circle sequence


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Are you using Superstar or Sequence Editor or ? As mentioned earlier Brian has a very good tutorial on his website Tutorial 13 - Sequencing Circles http://www.superstarlights.com/Software/Videos.php 

If you have seen that one, and it wasn't enough, what help are you looking for?


Here is a older thread that I found that might help to inspire you to create different Superstar effects. http://forums.lightorama.com/index.php?/topic/26710-morph-with-solid-fill-behind/



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ummm another  question for the 4 ccr  whats the best pipe to use and how to mount it  either on top or toward  the front

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I don't if it's the best, but I used EMT (1/2 conduit) I have a tubing roller, and figured how big the circles needed to be and rolled them to that size. I think I had to use 1 10 ft stick and a partial of another to make the size so the CCR's met with no gaps. I mounted my CCR's away from the crowds eye and put a white plex face behind them and a smaller piece white plex to prevent light leaks to other props in the yard. CCR's are bright and lite up other props, so I contained the light to the circles so to speak. I like to glow I get from the CCR's rather than the in your face bright light.  Just my personal preference.


Here's some pics of how I made them. I leave them up year round.






Here's a video of how they look in action.




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