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Daisy chain rgb controler?


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Hello I just purchased several 3 channel easy dmx rgb controlers from diyledexpress and wondering if anybody is familiar with them and if it is possible to daisy chain multiple controlers together there is no dmx out on the board I'm going to run e1 31 to a dmx bridge I just thing it is a wast to use one output on the bridge for each rgb controller

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Yes. It is really a waste to only use one output on the bridge for each controller. A couple have dip-switches inside, but most cheap ones don't. You will need an addresser to set it. You connect it to the DMX in, then use the screen or dip-switches on it to set the address. You should find one on the website you got it from.


To daisy chain, although stage lighting and professional lighting people say you should never do (They also say don't use cat5, but it is pretty much the same as DMX cable), just connect all the D+ and D- together. As long as they have different id's, they work fine.

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Yes you can daisy chain,  use a Ethernet 2 to 1 splitter (looks like your phone jack splitter but for Cat 5 wire).

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The controllers do have dip switches on them they have dmx in but no dmx out could I use a jumper for the dmx data from controller to controller and set the first controller to address 1 and the second controller to address 4 wonder if that would work

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One of the DIYLEDExpress controllers has dipswitches, and the other one doesn't. 

Both use bare wire, so it it easy to connect a second wire to the D+ and D-, and cheaper and easier(Depending on your cable) than an RJ45  splitter.

Edited by EmmienLightFan
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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes you can daisy chain,  use a Ethernet 2 to 1 splitter (looks like your phone jack splitter but for Cat 5 wire).


Yep, all my Dumb DMX elements are daisy chained with the cheap 3 channel controllers and cat-5 cable.  No issues in 5 years.

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So I tried to place a cat5 splitter between each controler and back to a e1 31 bridge but the only way to get both controlers to work is if I start each on a separate universe on channel 1 also has to be on separate outputs on the bridge I have the dip switch on the first is 100000000 and second 001000000 1 is on 0 is off in the same universe but doesn't work I think im getting data because both controlers green led are flashing rapidly

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