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CTB16PC random flash when no sequence is running


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   Hello I am new to LOR and this is my first year/month with controllers. I hadn't noticed till recently that one of my controllers is acting up when not running a sequence. I have 2 controllers running and only my lead controller is acting up, it is a CTB16PC-ReadyToGo, the second controller is a CTB16-Complete. I have looked at previous posts to try to resolve issue. I replaced and rerouted cat5 away from power cords, powered down second controller, double checked sequences and still a random flash in only the one controller. All the channels flash in random order and sometimes grouped. I opened hardware editor and checked there and still receive flashes whenever the lights are not being told to operate(constant on, shimmer, or fade.)


I have another controller not in use that I am going to swap in place to rule out any outside interference.


Anyone have any ideas for the new guy?





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