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CCR on my roofline


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Hey Guys


Sorry for the super basic question here but i am really not sure where to start.


I have a total of 6 CCR in a single row across my roof line. ie -------- 


my question is which actual program should i be creating what i want to do in? Its confusing as superstar seems to be meant for having them layered on top of each other. 


Also is there an easy way to just use a scheduler to set some channels and use the built in features that the CCRs have in the higher channel numbers so i can have it do the random color mode etc  IE at 6 pm have unit id 1 channel 157 go to 1 158 go to 2 etc and have it do this for all 6 strings (the channel numbers are just examples)



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CCRs are a bit limited in a single line.  Here's a quick look at what I did - my first year display...




I also use Nutcracker effects here and there as well, but run into the same problem - NC is limited when only using a single line of lights.


That is very cool. The first 5-10 seconds is what i am trying to figure out. You have multiple CCRs flowing from one to the other. id like to do that with 6 strings. How ever it seems i have no idea where to start.. 


Right now i am just using the random color mode but id like to spend the weekend creating something cool 

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I am pretty sure that Superstar now allows around 300 pixels in a row. This is my first year of playing with it, so I am no expert, but it worked on the front of my house at some 130 CCP pixels.



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The latest version of superstar allows up to 360 pixels in a straight line.  My house runs 300 pixels across, but actually stops short behind the tree because I made a couple miscalculations when installing.  Hard to tell though when it starts playing.  Once I configured my gutterline in SS, I just applied morphs, scenes, and heavily relied on the Instant Sequence tool. 

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