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Hardware Utility can't find Comm Port


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Bought a used computer to run shows this year.


Windows XP...downloaded LOR USB 485 drivers


In Network Preferences set Comm Port to 3.


Hardware Utilitiy won't fnd anything when I run Auto Configure...


What am I forgetting???

Edited by jimswinder
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it says communications Port Com 1...


tried that port also..will try again


EDIT: Unable to locate the LOR Port.


I know my controller is on becasue my other laptop can find it...

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just checked device manager again..now shows usb port 17

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ok...working...  via the Device Manager I changed the usb port from 17 to port 2 (the only one not in use between 1 and 16) and now it is working...



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  • 1 year later...

Can I ask how to find a second comm port?  I went into sequence editor and made sure my regular port is com3, I then added an auxiliary port to be com5 (com5 I just threw out there and is for no other reason than I think my halloween lights are com4.)  However when i go back into the hardware utility, it will only show com3 or none.  Do I need to change the 485 adapter?


Also, when I added new firmware to my first 6 ccr ribbons I used com3 but hadn't changed the speed to 500kps until after I finished assigning them all a unit # and updating the firmware. Do I need to reconfigure each of the first 6 with the faster speed? Then I can reconfigure the next 6 with the new comport once I figure out how to get it to show up?


thank you,


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When you plug in a new USB adapter, Windows should install the drivers for that port and adapter and then Windows will assign it a comm port number.  You should be able to see that from the Windows Device Manager.  All this has nothing to do with LOR, except that the drivers come from LOR.  You can change the comm port number from the Windows Device Manager.  If able it's nice to have them in some convenient order.  In my case, the three USB to RS-485 adapters on my show computer are Comm3, Comm4, and Comm5.  Once those exist and can be seen in the Device Manager, then you can work with them in the various LOR programs.  Until the Windows Device Manager recognizes the comm port or ports, don't even bother trying to play with them in LOR programs, because they wont work.

After Windows recognizes the ports, you can set which ports to use for each LOR network using the LOR Network Configuration utility, and you can select the Comm port to use within the Hardware Utility.  You should not need to use the AutoConfigure in the HU - manually select the Comm port instead from the dropdown.  If the Comm port you think you are trying to use does not show up, go back to the Windowws Device Manager and verify that it is there.  In my case, on my show computer, my Regular network uses Comm3, my Aux-A network uses Comm4, and my Aux-B network uses Comm5.  In case I forget (not likely), I have a text file on the show computer desktop titled LOR circuits.txt with the following content:

Com 3 - Regular Network - aka Network 1 (Year round - Inputs only - 57.6K normal)
Com 4 - Aux A Network - aka Network 2 (Year round - All Gen 3 capable devices - 115.4K enhanced)
Com 5 - Aux B Network - aka Network 3 (Christmas only - CCP arches - 500K enhanced)

BTW, the second network name listed (for example Network 1) is because I use color marking tape on the network cables following the resistor color code to identify which LOR network each cable is part of.  Remember that with the exception of the cable that goes to my arches, all of my LOR network wiring is permanently installed in conduit and used year round.  In many cases, more than one LOR cable (always Purple Cat-5) will be in the same conduit or pull box, so it's nice to be able to tell what is what.

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Shortcut to  Device manger is  devmgmt.msc    type into run box or into file explorer or make desktop shortcut

When your adapter is attached you will see it here as USB Serial Port.  



There is nothing to change here except the Advanced button.  The bits per second is legacy to early windows versions. 



On the Advanced panel the only thing to change is the assigned port.   LOR does not recognize anything over 16.

Most of the time you wont need to change the assigned port.  BUT if you get a new computer or use a show and sequencing computer you may want to.  

Each computer assigns the number it wants to the adapter.  In that case (sharing or moving between PCs) you may want to make each PC use the same port for a particular adapter. 



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Good tip on making a desktop shortcut for the Device Manager.  Never thought about that one - I use it often enough, I should have long ago.  I just made a shortcut and put it right next to the shortcut for Command Prompt (which I use A LOT)!



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If I use dmx mode to run LOR controllers and also dmx (not lor controllers ). 

In in lor network Under LOR tab Do I Have to Use Com port and Under DMX tab my usb dongle?

Or I can just use DMX and set Com port to none?



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if your using a DMX dongle you still need a com port, if your  running your DMX controller from E1-31 controller no

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Thank you for your feedback. I went ahead and plugged in both my 485 adapters. I didn't know if it made a difference that one was a regular  adapter (from LOR) and the second was the red high speed adapter. I was able to go ahead and reconfigure my last 6 ccr controllers with the new AuxA network so thanks.


Can you confirm one thing for me?

My first 6 controllers I put under my regular network (Com3) but I had not changed the speed to 500K (faster) under the network configuration in SE.  Does this make a difference when I reconfigured my controllers my first 6 controllers?

When I did my last 6 controllers, that is when I had gone into the SE/network configuration and added the advanced AuxA Port (Com4) and changed both speeds to 500k since i am using car's on both networks.


I hope that makes sense.




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