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Regular controllers work/ CCRs don't

Gerald Rosemary Corey

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Tried firing up our display and the second half of the CCRs won't light up.  We have 12 LOR boxes (old style) and 12 CCRs. 

Using the newer RU485 and the lights are totally freaking out!  Random firing, won't turn off even when we turn off the programs.  Have to unplug the Cat5 cable to stop them.  Tried the old 485B and the regular lights run but not the CCRs.  Need help quickly, Please!



Do we need to run two separate Comm ports and cables??


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How many networks have you set up?   What network speed?  When you say old LOR boxes, what does that mean.  There are now 3 versions of boards.

Are you testing the lights by a show, in the SE?   Have you run the Verifier?


What does the 2nd half of the CCRs mean..........6 ribbons or 12x  1/2 of the ribbon works and half doesn't?


It sounds like you need to run at least 2 networks. (yes to 2 com ports and 2 cables) A high speed for the 12 CCRs and the rest on a separate network. 

 In SE.....look under edit, preferences, Network preferences

    also tools, chanel configuration, - botom row  "change controller" will let you change the network for a controller (one at a time) with out having to reprogram all your sequences. 





Edited by steve synek
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#of networks:  2    Regular and Aux A   Speed: 115.4 on Com 5   for the regular network and 57.6 K for the Aux A where the CCRs are.

Controllers are CTB16PC                    Testing lights in SE       Did check them in the Hardware Utility and it found all of them then when we went to run a sequence it freaked out with the newer RJ485.     When using the old 485B the regular lights worked and the first 6 CCRs  did also        Did not run the verifier



If we run the two cables then I assume the CCRs will be on the faster new RJ485  on Aux A and Com 9  and the regular lights on the Regular network on Com 5??


Thanks for your answer. 

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If you are in SE, are you running it with both adapters connected? You must connect both adapters or the programing will be all jumbled trying to control the lights (by my experience anyway).

I would suggest if you have a high speed adapter, to connect the CCRs on that adapter at the 500 speed and trying the rest of the controllers at the 57.6 speed on the old adapter. 



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Mission accomplished!  Did get the high speed adapter hooked up to the CCRs and the other one to the controllers.  Program is running flawlessly tonight for the visitors!


First night and people are coming.  Thank you for your help!  Have a great season!



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