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T. Bennett

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Gentlemen, I need some assistance....


I have been running LOR for 4 years now and have been able to figure out my problem most of the time, but this one has me stumped.


We got up all the lights, and started testing with a sequence in SE, but quickly noticed a Lag on all of the CCBs.    This is what Im looking at:


3 AC 16 Channel Controllers

1 x CMB 24d

3 x CCB Controllers (with 2 strings each)


 I have been reading through the forums for hours and not sure the best place to start troubleshooting.  I have surmised there are multiple options for the problems, and hopefully an "easier" fix.


1) I am running one network.  My CCB IDs (06, 07), (08, 09) and (OA, OB).  Should I consider putting these on a different network?  If so, how do I go about doing it.  I could not find a tutorial for it.  Additionally, if this i the solution what's the easiest way of doing it without having to resequence?


2) My 16 channel controllers are all older, therefore I believe they may not be 500K.  I have read a post that I should not update, and others that say do, so I am not sure.  Also, if the answer is update to 500k how to go about it? (couldnt find this either)


3) Long Cat 5 run to 1st CCB controller?  (From the ground to the highest peak on my house.)


4) Something else completely different?


I would appreciate any input and suggestions.  Thanks in advance.

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I will give my 2 cents. I have 1 16 channel controller and 6 CCB Controllers. I have my 16 channel on its own network and the 6 CCB controllers on their own 500k network (high speed USB485-HS adapter). I know I could get all of this on 1 500K network, but I am adding 12 CCR's next year and wanted to "test" 2 networks this year.


You can change the network speed in the network configuration application or from the preferences menu in the sequence editor. This is the only way I know how to do it, but there may be more.


As far as multiple network configuration, this may be helpful:




Also, I my first cat5 cable is 100 feet going from the PC to the first CCB controller, so that shouldn't be an issue at all.


From my knowledge, altering networks will not require you to change anything sequence wise. You will just need to change your channel configuration.

Edited by robigd
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Older 16 channel controllers (red status light) can not do 500k. At this time there is no firmeware upgrade to make it possible to handle 500k.


It sounds like you need a second network for the CCB's. You would need to edit the sequences and move the controllers to AuxA. You'll also need to use to the LOR Network Preferences to make sure the COM ports align with the Regular and AuxA networks.

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  I appreciate the assistance gentlemen.   I created a 2nd network with just the three CCB controllers, and ran tests.  Still a lag, not as bad, but still there.  Can a long Cat5 run cause this?  I can't seem to think of anything else creating lag.


Oh, additionally, I am running if off the G3-mp3 director.

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Ah, the director changes things.


Make sure you use the Hardware Utility -> MP3 Tab to write your show. Once you go to write the show you will get an option about "This is for the new G3MP3 director." When you do that, Net1 and Net2 will be on separate networks. Anything for the regular network will go to Net1. Net2 will now be tied to the AuxA network. Be sure to adjust your sequences to that the CCB's are on the AuxA network, and that you choose 500k for the AuxA/Net2 side.

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  Tracking all that and in fact that is what I did.  The regular network is set up on (recommended) i think it was 56.7k but I know for a fact I set the CCBs to 500k.  The only other I can think of would be the cat5, it's really long (probably exceeding 100ft.), most of it coiled.  It is rather frustrating because i cannot think what else it would be.

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