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Light string lag


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This is my first year using LOR and enjoying it immensely.  Last night I tested out the lights and they look great, however, I have one LED tree (bought at Home Depot) that delays coming on.  It is on the same channel as other lights that come on when they are supposed to but the tree in question comes on maybe 0.25 seconds later. Has anyone dealt with this before? I tried searching the forum, but didn't really find anything, maybe I used the wrong keywords.  Anyway, I plan on building my own trees next year, but this is what I have for now. 

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Does this tree have a wall wart?

Not sure what that is, but I assume it is a transformer.  The tree has commercial lights with the round screw together connection (similliar to rope lights) that connects to a little transformer looking thing, it is pretty small though.  I was kinda thinking that could cause the problem

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I suspect that the real problem is that it has what is called a filter capacitor. it takes a short moment to charge up. You need lights that do not have this capacitor. It will also effect fades, twinkles, and shimmers. And in the past some have actually had fires from some strings.

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