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Video's not playing in 3.12


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Last year I had 12 LOR sequences with video, now this year when I try to play the sequences, all of them do not play at all. The video preference is on. Do I need to redo all the video's? I see the completed video's in my media file, is there a way to attach them back to the original sequence? Please  help. I thank you in advance for your assistance.

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How can I correct the error message:


The media file for this sequence could not be converted to the LOR internal format media format. While the media file may work, some functions, such as "Play speed" or "Play Range', may not, or may work incorrectly.


I see the video's from last year but can not play them in LOR this year. Please advise. Thank you kindly.

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Are you sure your video file is the sequence media file? Didn't change media from last year? Open a video sequence, go to the tools menu, and under video's, make sure "show video", and "show video full screen" are checked. If nothing, you may want to import your video media file into the sequence and try.

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