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Holidaycoro pixel mega tree


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I have NEVER had a bad experience with Holiday Coro.  All his products are top notch. 

Realize this is a DYI project not a plug and play like CCR's. 

May be worth the assembly price if you are just starting out. 



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Keep in mind that superstar is an add on to the lor sequencer and you'll have to purchase the appropriate license to be able to make it work. A lot of people use xlights/nutcracker which is a free program. It has the ability to quickly create effects for a pixel tree and will export them to the lor clipboard so you can paste them into your sequences. You can actually use xlights to run your whole show but I haven't tried it yet.

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I've been with the 3600 channel SSE license since I got it. Added up the channels today and I'm at about 3500, so an upgrade will be needed before long I suspect.

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There is lots of help on this forum, as well as others on this topic (e1.31). 
Here is a link for a good primer... http://www.doityourselfchristmas.com/wiki/index.php?title=E1.31_(Streaming-ACN)_Protocol


Also, as you are going over Ethernet, and most likely using the Ethernet port on your computer to connect to your Internet Router/Modem/Switch, you can either connect your
"E" device to that or place a seperate on to just control the E1.31 devices hanging off the main Router/Modem/Switch


And as LightsInMain stated, HC is a great resource for assistance...
Good Luck and post pics/vid when you have it done....

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This is all probably wishful thinking. I tend to pull it off every year though. Just bought new house... Having to redesign everything. Got my feet wet with (40) 10 watt rgb floods with cmb24s during summer sale. I also got some of lor's 50w CFD on a mishap with them putting new site live premature. I don't think I'll get pixel tree done, but am going to try. I just gotta read up and figure it all out. Super Star makes it much easier than I anticipated. Thanks for all the input!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can answer to the purchase of the Holiday Coro Pixel Strip Tree... I purchased the 16 strip version this year, in October.  I did not set it up until about two weeks ago.  The tree works.  Quality of the kit I received was exactly on par with all other Holiday Coro products which has always been great to excellent.  I bought the kit with the cords already attached to the strips and the power supply and PixLite16 already mounted in weather proof boxes. 


Then I had the $299 dollar cost of the software. 


I used EMT for 12 of the strips, reserved the other 4 for other elements or backup.  If you use EMT it will sag... dont use the EMT coupling with tightening screws, use the 1/2" EMT compression couplers.  Some on here used some dowel rods at the joint... they seemed just as flimsy so I did not use it.  I might add some threaded rod to the joints for next.  But I dont have that much sag as I used some EMT cross bars to make everything more rigid.  Or you can go with nylon strapping... search on this forum for methods to setup your tree.


I cannot program songs, I can copy and paste that is about it... so I had to buy CCR sequences and they are extremely expensive.  I basically had to buy CCR sequences for songs that I already had in my show... then just copy and paste the CCR part into mine (after adding in the new pixel strips that is).  Due to already having some DMX stuff I had to change the configuration of the PixLite... didnt take me long to figure it out.  No Dongle required, which I liked.  The PixLite comes with DMX output jacks, so you may be able to eliminate a Dongle plus have room for expansion.  I did not go that route this year as I was out of time to make new cables, etc. and all the other changes that might be necessary.


Unfortunately, I dont make a lot of money at my job like the millionaires on here lol, so the use of my tree will be very limited due to not being able to buy but a few sequences.  Keep this in mind, as you may be disappointed once you get it setup that you cannot really use it much due to the cost of sequences.  I hope I can afford to buy some more sequences next year now that the expense of the pixel tree is over with, assuming I recover from that expenditure by next Christmas.   If I were more musically inclined and creative maybe I could program my own. I dont think I can afford to spend 200-500 dollars on sequences every year, especially for the same ole songs I may already have used.  But I might be stuck with them.


There is quite a bit of time to get the sequences you already have working with the tree even if you buy ready made CCR sequences... I am still trying to get mine ready.  I am also trying to figure out how to quickly sequence the tree for the other sequences I dont have pixel tree programming for.  I replaced my 20ft Mega tree with this one, so all of my other songs are going to be missing the tree except where I bought the CCR version (see above comments).   I wish I knew a way I could convert my Mega Tree sections over to the pixel tree so I would at least have something basic going on instead of nothing.  I will put up two 10 ft 8 channel trees and put the Mega Tree channels there so maybe it wont look to bad.


I must say though... when I made the tree function with a test sequence it sure is bright and beautiful... I hope it ends up being worth the cost and the loss of my 20ft Mega tree.  If patrons to the show are happy then I will be happy. 


Anyway, yes the Holiday Coro Pixel Strip Tree (16 strip version) seems to be of good quality and it works and in and of itself is not that difficult to setup software wise and make work successfully.  You will have quite a bit of additional costs to setup the tree, purchase SuperStar, purchase sequences and put together a star if you choose to have one.  To me it is naked without one.  And extra power cords and Cat 5 cable (if you dont already have some sitting around).  Oh... the connectors on the end of the strips are super short... so  you will need to buy the 15 ft. extensions from Holiday Coro (which I thought to do ahead of time to save shipping) or by 3-pin waterproof connectors and make your own. 


As far as my sequences, I cannot share the sequences I have due to them being purchased sequences.  I promise if I learn to create sequences myself... I will give mine away for free and give you permission to give them away for free (but not for profit).  My show is for my family and community and the time I invest in it is for them.  After this year, I will put any modified sequences I downloaded for free on my web site for free too... I dont have time to do it right now as I will have to setup some kind of download page.  All of the ones I received for free were from here or already available online anyway at one of the free sequence sites.  Which now days, it seems most all of the ones for free are all of the old stuff and not a lot of new stuff... a lot of people are now selling them for profit.


Since I just made this tree work last week... feel free to email me at tbonerex@aol.com and I will answer any questions that I am able to.

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Thomas, I bought same kit and constructed exact same way. Great kit at great price. I can't say anything negative about holidaycoro. Top notch! When you say $299 for software, I'm assuming superstar. I am new to this and did some decent sequences in a 6-8 hours with superstar. Nothing like you can buy of course! With tools like morphs, smooth effects and text you can put together some decent sequences. Pretty straight forward once you play around. A few of my songs I couldn't find for purchase so had to attempt myself. Superstar is awesome in my opinion. Some people complain about it on here, but I love it. Good luck with the tree!

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  • 7 months later...

Will this work with existing LOR network? Do I need to get an adaptor/dongle? to E1.31. Currently running 500+ channels with 40 channels of rgb with cmb24d. Would more than one universe be needed? A little help please... I've been dreading stepping foot into rgb, and pixels is even scarier.


While they don't connect directly to an "LOR Network" they do work fine in concert with your LOR network.  See this page for more details:





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I had to configure my network card for E1.31, which meant I could no longer use it for the home network (added wifi card to work around this).  However, my show machine is Win XP, so I don't know if this would have to be done for newer OS. 

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