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DMX cable and interference?


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I have 30 or so DMX units in my yard (using iDMX), and each year I struggle to keep them functioning.  Interference gets into the chain somewhere, and I have to go out in the cold and either unplug them for the night or start messing with the cables to see which one might or might not need to be replaced.  It finally dawned on me that I went the "cheap" route getting microphone cable and thinking I should upgrade to true DMX cable.  I live in Minnesota, and there is a direct correlation between the colder days and the DMX equipment malfunctioning.  Some nights, all I have to do is unplug a cable, wait a few minutes, and plug it in again and then the equipment works ok for the rest of the night.  Other times I have to unplug/plug in numerous times during the evening's show.  Not sure what else to try other than cable upgrade from the mic cables.  I added a terminator but that didn't help.


Can someone post a link to "good" DMX cables (will look for something similar online so I can make a bulk cable purchase)?  Will either of these work?











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If that is all the distance you need, electrically they should be fine.. not sure about the weather issue though

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I've used all of Monoprice XLR DMX Cables... They have the best price that I have seen and the cables are heavy duty.

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