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Looking for - Carol of the Bells (Dubstep) by Capital Kings SEQUENCE


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Would anyone have Carol of the Bells (Dubstep) by Capital Kings with no RGB's sequence for free or to purchase? I would be happy with beats to add to my mega trees and arches.  32 or 64 channels would be fine.  EMAIL TROBERTS21277@GMAIL.COM

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  • 1 year later...

I have a sequence.  I have a video from 2014 that is not the greatest video but you can get an idea of how the channels are set to the audio.  Unfortunately, I was new to using my EOS 70D. The framerate and other settings cause the lights to appear quite differently than when looking at it with the naked eye.   This was created using the LOR's Sequencing Editor version 2.9.4 Advanced. No warranty, express or implied is made as far as the compatibility with any other product or LOR sequencing version. I only have the LMS files. No media file is included. 


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Hey if you stilling willing to share I'll take a copy as well. Thanks in advance. 


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  • 4 weeks later...

A bit of a necro, but if you guys want to use my Dubstep Carol of the bells, your welcome.  It won the 80/96/112 group over on wowlights this year.  (Uses 96 channels but there is a large group of bushes on the left of the house that easily could be removed to drop 8 channels.  Also, you could easily 1/2 the spiral tree to gain 8 more channels to drop the total to 80 with no effect to the overall sequence.)  The music is actually free, so I can include it as well. Email me at stima@aol.com.


Edited by Stima
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