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How many CCB's on an RS485-HS network?


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Hey everyone. I have a total of 6 CCB controllers this year (12 strings). Will I be able to fit all of these on a single RS485-HS network at 500K or do you think I will need to split them up?

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I'm using four 16 channel controllers and two 24 channel controller (1 using 8 floods and 1 using 8 rgb ribbons) using 1 RS485, then use another RS485 for my pixels tree. All are from LOR. 

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With a 'normal' sequence, a HS network should handle around 30 strings of Cosmic Color Bulbs/Pixels (15 controllers).  It may actually handle more than that, but it will depend on the quality of your cables, how dense your sequences are, etc.

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Thank you for the quick answers guys. That is great news. Didn't realize they could handle so much. Thanks!

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I'm guessing my sequences don't fall under Mike's definition of 'Normal', and I'm alright with that.


This test sequence I ran last year is 7 CCB trees (14 strings) on one 500K network and it did fine.




Once I got my show up and running, 2 of my songs were lagging in the really fast, color changing sections.  I ending up putting 4 trees on one 500K network and creating another 500K network for the other 3 trees.  I didn't have any lag after that.


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I ran 9 trees with 50 CCBs each and one tree with 100 CCPs on one 500K network last year and I noticed a few hiccups on two or three songs.

I never get tired of seeing those white trees Frank. Sharon and I have already discussed swapping our green ones for white should we see a bunch of them 70% off after Christmas. How did they hold up outside - showing any signs of yellowing or accumulating dirt?

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The white trees held up real well for the season. I have a few stored in my garage and 2 stored outside in a shipping container.  The two in the shipping container have turned a yellow/brown color, probably due to the heat this summer in there.  I'll have to replace those two before I put them out for Christmas.

I bought 25-30 of them after Christmas 2012 for $15/piece, best time to get them.


They never showed any sign of accumulating dirt and they were right next to the road.  Snow or rain, they held up pretty good.  Just to let you know: When I put those trees together, I put adhesive silicon in each of the branch holes before inserting the branch.  Only had one branch come loose last year.

Edited by Frank Farmer
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