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My First Attempt With LOR and Visualizer


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Not sure if this is the right place but wanted to share my first attempt at converting a sequence to my display. I think credit for the original goes to James Morris (thanks!!).

Please let me know what you think, tips, pointers etc are welcome.





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I think it's a good first step in learning how to make your own sequences. There's a lot of free sequences floating around from a lot of people with a lot of different sequencing styles, for sure. Help yourself... With a better idea how sequences are made, it'll be a lot easier to create your own to fit YOUR display rather than what someone else wrote for an entirely different yard.

Personally, it's way, way, way too flashy for my taste. If my sensibilities were any more delicate, it would have made me dizzy. I suggest that if you're going to do all that flashing, there needs to be something left on in your scene - something significant like a roofline - to give a person's brain something to grasp onto while everything around it is blinking.

And the first part of the song (which might be the slowest song I've ever heard a human sing, by the way) definitely needs to be faded rather than blinked.

Your next one will most certainly be better. And the one after that, and after that...

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Thank you for your input. Exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for!

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Do you mind if I ask how many channels that was and how long it took you?  I'm almost done with my first sequence so I'm trying to see how my work compares to other noobs.  The song i'm doing is less than 1:30 and its taken me close to 10 hours already.  Probably close to 15 when I'm finished.   


Also, what software did you use for the screen capture?



As for feedback, I agree with George above.  I've always liked the 'less is more' type sequences.  I'm finding it tough with only 32 channels my first year though.  

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Do you mind if I ask how many channels that was and how long it took you?  I'm almost done with my first sequence so I'm trying to see how my work compares to other noobs.  The song i'm doing is less than 1:30 and its taken me close to 10 hours already.  Probably close to 15 when I'm finished.   


Also, what software did you use for the screen capture?



As for feedback, I agree with George above.  I've always liked the 'less is more' type sequences.  I'm finding it tough with only 32 channels my first year though.  

I have 32 channels and it probably took around 30 hours all told.The screen capture software is BBFlashback express which is free.

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  I'm almost done with my first sequence so I'm trying to see how my work compares to other noobs.  


I'd like to see your sequence when it's done too, would be good to compare styles, etc.


For what it's worth, I'm working on revamping mine based on yours and George's feedback. I particularly like the suggestion of fading the first part of the song and so far it looks good (to me!!)



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For sure.  I'm cleaning some stuff up now but I can hopefully get you the sequences later this week (I finished the sequencing through the end of the song last night).


It's a hectic week for me this week so I'm hoping to do a screen capture this weekend (if I ever get to it). 


I think our setups are fairly similar.  I'll have 7 2-color mini-trees, 7 windows, 3 2-color roof-line sections and then come extra pillars and trees to fill out the channels. 


I'm not sure if you changed the vid yet, but the first part did seem faded to me.  


As for the quick part.  I like the chases with the mini-trees and windows you have later in the song (2:20, 2:53, 3:00, 3:40).  I think my eye is distracted though with the big roof/tree lights flashing on and off to the beat during those times though.  After reading your post and George's response I went back last night and tried to apply the come of his suggestions to my own sequence (not as much beat-keeping to focus on the chases and such). 

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it's not bad, but I agree a lot of flashing going on. Looked a lot better than my first attempt @ a song.

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it's not bad, but I agree a lot of flashing going on. Looked a lot better than my first attempt @ a song.


Thanks Zing!

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