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Which set to get?


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Hello all,


Will probably ordering by this weekend the first of (I hope) several controllers.


Reading through the discriptions I am a little confused.  Does the pro allow you to controll everything without a compter/MIDI?  So if I speed the extra $80 I can just go without wiring to the laptop or am (as I feel I am) missing something big here?




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The differences between the Pro and Residential controllers can be found here.


Regardless of which one you pick, you have to control them somehow. You could connect them to your computer (with the RS485USB) or run the shows from a mini-director or a Showtime director.


The Pro controllers can run animation, no music, in stand-alone mode. This means you could upload an animation sequence to the actual controller, and it would control other controllers connected to the network. (The 'network' is the other controllers connected together.)

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I started with the 8 channel controllers. LOR 800Ws. As Don mentioned above, you need to run an interface to setup your programs. Go to the LOR website, it offers a starter kit with S2 or S3 software ( not sure if S2 is still offered) and it is a good start. If you plan to expand your displays , I recommend going right to the 16 channel systems. If you are on a budget then start small and work your way up once you get the hang of things! 


Be warned! Once you get started, you will get hooked! But...that's a good thing! There are many folks to help you out here!


Happy New Year!


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I am planning to have at least 32 going and hope to have more.  That's why I waited until after the holidays so I don't feel rushed to get it done.  Now I will have 10 months to work on both Holloween and Christmas and (hopefully) do it right.


Like many of my other hobbies (mainly knifemaking, cooking and kilting) it is often a spiral in to ever bigger and grander things :D  My wife is already laughing at the pics of your guy's shopping trips and rolling her eyes on mine :rolleyes:



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I wouldn't order controllers now. Wait for the sale LOR has each year. You won't need the controllers till next season anyway. But you can start sequencing now.

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So buy the software first and do the planning, building and sequencing now then get the controllers later?  About what time do they normally have their sale?




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You can do a search of past sales to get an idea but I think somewhere in the early spring for a quick get rid of stock sale.

That sale lasts about 5 minutes LOL maybe 6, but you have to be super fast.

Then they have a summer sale which plenty is in stock for the sale. it's around the July to August time frame.

Honestly, it will save you some money and you will have a better idea of what your needing by then, and go off of what you have planned out.

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I'll have to wait for the summer sale then.  This spring is a trip so fundage will be low :(


So the current fundage will be routed toward setting up the animations for Halloween.




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It's worth the wait IMHO. Especially since those controllers would be just sitting around for the summer anyway.

Plus it will give you time to hopefully save up and buy more. ;)

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It's worth the wait IMHO. Especially since those controllers would be just sitting around for the summer anyway.

Plus it will give you time to hopefully save up and buy more. ;)



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Did I read Kilting as in the Scottish type?  My suggestion is either download the demo version of the S3 software which will allow you to get familiar with it, and you can save your sequences, but not run them. Then buy controllers and software in one fell swoop. Or buy the software now. Please note that there are different levels of lic. of the software. Be sure to get the level that you will need. Different features and different number of controllers that can be controlled. How are you going to control the controllers? Will you get a director that you will need to program a SD card and need no cable running between the computer and controllers? Or you can control via a dedicated computer using either Cat 5 cable or there are these things called Light Linkers that are a wireless devices. Not the same as you would use with a laptop in your house to access the internet. But with the light linkers you do  not need to find a way to get a Cat 5 cable outside. And as a newbie, I warn you to never plug a LOR Network Cat 5 cable in to your house computer network. Something will be fried, different voltages involved and different protocol.

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I'm figuring I will get the standard setup and upgrade to advance if I branch out into MIDI and DMX.  I have a spare computer and can do the wiring without too much difficulty. 


As for the kilts, yea I'm a kiltie.  Have been for several years.  Have about 7 kilts from acrylic to PV to a tank.  Very adictive.  First a casual/Sport kilt, then a day sporan, a kilt pin here, a set of hose there.  Next thing you know you are dropping a chunk in a tank and an argyle with a waistcoat :D



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Yes good for keeping the kings jewels and scepter cool. Esp if your going commando or wearing boxers.  It is kind of hard to remember what your wearing and having to keep ye knees together. :huh:

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This thread went downhill fast! :blink: 


I recommend getting the advanced right away, it's cheaper that way.  Besides, two controllers is never enough!  :D 


DC controllers are great for year round landscape lighting, just sayin

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This thread went downhill fast! :blink: 


I recommend getting the advanced right away, it's cheaper that way.  Besides, two controllers is never enough!  :D 


DC controllers are great for year round landscape lighting, just sayin


Did I read it wrong?  I thought the standard controlled 8?  The basic only does 2?


I would have to have at least 2 controllers as Amy has requested bouncing arches and two of those would take up one controller on it's own if I understand correctly.


And kilties have a way of bringing life to any conversation :lol:  There seems to be a major concern about our undergarments.  If I asked a woman what she was wearing I'd get slapped at best, arrested for sexual herassment at worst :o



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*** Basic supports Unit IDs ’01 and ’02′. Basic Plus supports Unit IDs’01′, ’02′, ’03′, ’04′

As from the LOR Software product page

And a transmitter can be powered separately.

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So standard should handle everything to start.  It's only a $40 upgrade fee for advance and that's the the same as buying it outright, an additional $40.


FM transmitter is definately down the line :)  Let's make sure that I can get a basic setup for my 1st year.  While my nature is to dive into the deepend I've learned some peitents over the years :rolleyes:



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You'll save $20 getting advance with starter package verses upgrading later.  I thought the savings was more than that.

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