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My show stoped working usb 485b


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My show stopped working, Music playing light just not working, things would come one for a few secs then off again,  then 20 secs of a song worked then stopped. I looked at everything,


I have 2 cat 5's plugged into my USB485b, 1/2 the time the red led in the controller would blink then it would be solid . When I unpluged one of the cat 5 from the usb485b,  BOOM everything works that is on that side (17 controllers}. So I figure cat 5 bad, Changed it out,(cat 5) and same thing happens when I pluged it back it in. So I figure something is bad down the line, I disconnect all but one controller plug it in and same thing, show goes to crap,    any ideas or what to try next ? Every thing was working fine up to two days ago, Even during the great Christmas light fight, I did notice some strange lights coming on 3 or 4 nights ago nothing to bad, lol  I have over 340 channels,            BAD  USB 485B ?

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ok everything seems to work with 2 of the controllers plugged in, can I have a bad controller make that happen ?

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I know this is prolly a silly question, but you are not splitting after the 485 into 2 cat 5 cables are you?

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It seems on of the controllers i just got back form repairs is giving me the problems, Not sure yet.  I swaped it out 2 days ago with one that has a bad triac, so I took it out of the daisy chain (cat 5) and the rest of the show seems to be ok,  well except for 2 windows(Red, green, white) my 5  of  20 high flying snowflakes and .......... That controller must be makeing a ton of noise in the cat5's to stop the whole show. wow   that s a 1st for me in 8 years. 

Oh just found out they will rebroadcast our epoisode of the great christmas light fight this sunday    : )



I know this is prolly a silly question, but you are not splitting after the 485 into 2 cat 5 cables are you?

No Sir,  but i wish i was able to do that 

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