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Setting the Unit ID CMD24D


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Today was the day for testing and setting up the RGB tree line. Was trying to hook up the new CMD24D that I got during the summer sale.  Read the manual and learned that these units require the dipswitch to set the unit ID number.  Well, they come pre-shipped as unit 01.  Plugged into the RS485 and searched using the LOR Hardware Utility.  Nice, found it right away.  But when I go to change the unit number and REFRESH the hardware utility, the unit number stay's the same.  It does not change from 01.  Hate to say that I miss the old "select and set" method for the PC16 units. 

So is the unit ID changed?  I have dipswitch 8 on, and all others are off.  It should be set to controller number 2 right now.   But in hardware utility still says 01.  Thanks for the help.

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Hey Clyde

I had the same issue. Software. Computers. Blah. I rebooted PC and powered down the 24 2-3 times and it clicked. I'm sure you already tried that. I also reset the unit to default once and started from the beginning. Wish I had a good answer.

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