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Problem with ch1 when using mini director


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So it finally got my 2 shows programmed and transferred to the SD card. Then I hooked the mini director up to my stereo and ran the cat5 from the director to the controller. The show started up fine but then I noticed that my channel 1 was turning off at points in the show when it should be on. As reference, that channel is used for ambient lighting in a graveyard scene for Halloween, so basically it stays on the whole time in some capacity. It should have never turned off, but it did, so it was easy to realize the problem.

I double checked my sequence editor and sure enough I have it all programmed correctly. So why would it do this???? Seemingly all the other channels were working fine. In show #1(9:45 long) it first messes up around 6-7 minutes in. In show #2(10:12 long) it messes up around 8-9 minutes in.

What do I do??

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So slight revision to my above comments.

Show #1:

Ch1 stops at about 1:15 in. Then starts working again about 20 secs later.

Then ch1 again messes up around 7 min in to the show.

This is super frustrating.

I can't tell what firmware I have on the mini-director but I bought this all back in May so it should be up to date. All the same, I tried to figure out how to update the firmware last night and could not figure it out.

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The thing about the LOR software is it only gives a signal of a "change", meaning as long as channel 1 is supposed to be on, it will be on until it is supposed to be off, unlike DMX which sends a signal about 40 times per second. Kind of makes me think something in the sequence is not right.

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what is the cable run of the TOTAL distance from the mini director to the final controller in the chain, IS THERE any "y" cable on the cat 5 cable OR, are you using the 3rd plug on the board (PC16 i assume) to send the cable to another controller ??



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I would do a controller reset (hardware utility of the LOR software suite), you can also do a firmware upgrade there also. but I'm still curious about the cat 5 cable run....



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Only using a 12' cable(may even be a 9'). No splitters or anything else between. It is a really simple and straightforward setup.

How do I do the hardware reset and firmware update? The documentation is poor from my view and I couldn't figure it out last night.



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The thing about the LOR software is it only gives a signal of a "change", meaning as long as channel 1 is supposed to be on, it will be on until it is supposed to be off, unlike DMX which sends a signal about 40 times per second. Kind of makes me think something in the sequence is not right.

The sequence is there clear as day. There is no doubt about it. And last night I even went through and deleted everything I had programmed for that channel and redid it all. The EXACT same failure happened this morning when I tested it. So, I suspect it has something to do with the mini-director because the show/sequence runs fine from the computer with the controller hooked up to it.

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Could be a bad SD card, I would use another SD card and see if you still have the same problem, also change the cat5 cable. I have used a mini director for the last 4 years without any problems.


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I'm having a very similar problem with the mini director and the servodog.

I've opened a ticket about it and I'll be happy to share when I hear back.

Show runs flawlessly from netbook but glitches when run from the mini director. Glitches in the same spots each time.

3 different SD cards.

Also glitches from the showtime director with built in clock.

Hope you get it sorted out... And please share your findings.

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I'm having a very similar problem with the mini director and the servodog.

I've opened a ticket about it and I'll be happy to share when I hear back.

Show runs flawlessly from netbook but glitches when run from the mini director. Glitches in the same spots each time.

3 different SD cards.

Also glitches from the showtime director with built in clock.

Hope you get it sorted out... And please share your findings.


I have a service ticket open as well. Will definitely share here what they say. And since it sounds like you have the same issue that I do, please post up your resolution as well. It would be great to compare notes!


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