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DMX Visualizations in "Basic Plus"?


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I have been trying to evaluate using LOR for RBG and am having no luck getting it to preview in the Visualizer. I have S3 Basic Plus, and I know I cannot control DMX hardware (other than iDMX) without upgrading, but is there no way to control virtual DMX pixels in the visualizer without upgrading? I'm not sure if I want to upgrade or try learning LSP (which I already own). Maybe I'm just missing something. I set up a single pixel in Visualizer, assigned it to DMX universe 1 channels 1,2,3 and programmed a mating sequence. Nothing. I changed the pixel to a LOR controller, fixed the assignment in the SE and it worked... so it seems like DMX is intentionally hobbled for Basic Plus users? BTW, I don't own any DMX hardware yet, not any RGB devices, just 64 channels of LOR. I was hoping to get my feet wet, but apparently the only way into the pool is from the diving board? I know, it's a lot of hemming and hawing for $70, but hey, that's a pixel controller's worth!

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The only version of S3 that will run native DMX devices (including in the Visualizer) is Advanced.


Just a thought for the developers, enabling the Visualizer might just sell more "Advanced" licenses. As it is I think I'll be playing for LSP for a while. If it stinks, I'll be back to plunk down my $70, but for now they have my attention.

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