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Even more issues with 3.8.2 - No cell info when hovering/SE Locks Up


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Just spent an hour on an existing S3 sequence and lost all changes. Locked up tighter than a drum.

Another issue prior to trying to save those changes, was having the same spacebar stop and start not working, as posted inmy other thread about current issues I'm having with 3.8.2.

And yet, another issue is when I hover over a cell the pop up window that shows the info on that cell, light on/off, intensity setting, etc. is void of anything, completely blank, it also made the mouse pointer completely disappear as well. See attached screen shot of this.

And after it locked up, I closed it via the end program option in the task manager as it could not be closed any other way, then when I tried to reload the LOR S3 SE 3.8.2 software, got an automation error and locked up again, forcing me to turn the computer completely off by the power button.

Couldn't get a screen shot of the error screen due to the entire computer froze up, nothing worked.

Seems 3.8.2 may have fixed the memory leak, but it appears to have created some other issues.

Here's the screen shot of the blank cell info when hovering over it.; It's the blank white square rectangle near the bottom of the track.

Edited by Orville
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Get into the habit of hitting ctrl-s (save) every time you pause to stop and think. Being in the software industry for decades, and having lost work more than a few times, it's so instinctive to me now I not only don't even think about it, I actually tend to wear the label off of my 's' key on all my keyboards.

The hover-over tooltips is a program option. Can't remember where it is, and I'm not at my LOR computer, but maybe it got disabled?

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Orville, I've seen the blank box too, I chalked it up to too much rum.... :)

And yes, I still get constant lock ups when I program, but I also have an insane amount of windows opened at the same time too, and have always blamed that. When I just have LOR opened, it seems to never lock. I ALWAYS save after 2 or three minutes of sequencing. Have 2 gigs of video ram, guess that's not enough.

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Nope, nothing disabled. Only software running was LOR SE, LOR Tray and Anti-Virus which has never created issues in the past when sequencing. Rebooted, reloaded SE, everything worked.

Sad thing is, I lost the hours work and had been saving it every few moments, it is also habit with me, but when it finally crashed and locked, then reloaded the sequence, everything for the last hour had been lost, got the sequence I had started tweaking BEFORE those changes, so even though I "thought" clicking the disk icon and/or doing the ctrl-s to save the sequence was working, I thought all changes had been saved. I was very shocked to find out NONE of the work on that sequence for the last hour had ever gotten saved at all.

So had to start making the same changes all over again, managed to get it done, but the lockups and the info box displaying no info just makes it more difficult since I use the info box to transition one effect into another smoothly at the exact same intensity. And when the info isn't there, things lock up or don't work as they should, well, it kind of makes it a bit more difficult to work in the SE to get a song completed.

Fortunately I was finally able to finish the sequence and get it into my show, but I had to delay my start up for about 30 minutes to get it in.

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...but I had to delay my start up for about 30 minutes to get it in.

I wonder what Mrs. Claus has to say about THAT???

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Did you check the .bak file? It should have had all your changes, minus the very last save.

Yes I did, and it didn't have the changes in it either. Was the same as what the lms file was before the changes, so they didn't get saved at all. Fortunately it didn't take long to redo the area I had lost. Since I had already went through it once, it was a bit easier to recall most of what I had done previously. Now I'm saving anything and everything after every few changes in the sequences I create.

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Did you play your taps sequence for it after you lost it? :D

Nope, I didn't. Only an hours worth of changes, not the entire sequence. Maybe I might have if the entire sequence had reverted to absolutely nothing in it. :P

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