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Wishlist: Optional licence check integrated in new/upgrade installer


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This wishlist item comes about as a result of helping a few LOR S3 users who weren't aware that their S3 licence wouldn't include the 3.9.0 release and is just an idea that could prevent some potential headaches in the future.

The release of a new version of the LOR Showtime Suite during Christmas display operation season has probably left some display operators scratching heads due to the software reverting to demo mode. While the software resetting to demo mode when the licence doesn't cover it is all by design, I think the only issue is that there are no visual indicators or checks that they are prompted to do during the upgrade or install to check if the update is covered in their licence. I am aware that there is already a web-based licence check page that can be used (and I do use it before downloading the latest release). I also make a decision to not apply any updates once December hits (if it aint broke don't fix) to avoid mid-season dramas.

Can I suggest that in a future release that the install and upgrade applications be altered to include an extra optional step that allows the user to check their licence to see whether it includes the version they are attempting to install? This could be as simple as a button which launches the browser to the already existing licence check webpage or it could be something a little more elaborate with a built-in "phone home" max version query that gives the option for not continuing with installation, or continuing with installation and launching the LOR store software upgrade webpage at the end of the upgrade. Ideally these checks should be in the install/upgrade program before copying any files and not the first-run default save location that runs after files have been copied. But make it optional so that if internet access is not available it won't stop the user from doing an upgrade or new installation.

Hope this will be considered in time for the Halloween and Christmas displays in 2013 :)

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Yep..I made that mistake...almost took me an hour to uninstall 3.9 and then reinstall 3.8.2 so my show could run...

But I must admit that even in Bob's post about 3.9, he said to check whether or not one is eligible for the 3.9 Rev...i just didn't heed his sage advice...

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Yep, indeed the note from bob on the forum is appreciative. Just the people I have helped who needed to downgrade or pay to renew don't frequent the forum often enough to have read this note - or they wouldn't have needed my help :).

I can only imagine that as time goes on the licence max version for each user is going to vary more and more as people buy new licences or upgrade at different times of the year.

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Jim, even if people don't read the forum (or Bob's post) there is a notice, right above the download link for the software, reminding you to check your license.

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I'd love it to have that feature too. I've just updated my show pc from 3.7 to 3.9 to only find out afterwards that my license has a maximum version of 3.8. i have no idea why my S3 upgrade is to 3.8 and not the logical 3.9 but that's beside the point. I am now an hour into trying to go back to 3.7 or 3.8 or 3.8.2. With just over 2 hours till show time tonight I might have to resort to switching lights on and off at the power point.

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After going through the NON update process, I returned to the LOR forum tonight. I normally check the forum frequently and had done so just last week. But the new format no longer has major announcements such as updates and such right at the top and kinda sorta hard to miss. I was in the habit of checking that every time I went to the form to see if I missed something. Now, it's hidden. But after a bit of searching, I found Bob's comments about the v3.9.0 upgrade license change. A bit too late, where if as on the old forum, I would have most likely seen the notice at the get-go and been aware.

This should be addressed in the format of the form. I'll probably not be alone in missing this important change. But at this time of the year, I just saw the new version while looking for information on a possible upgrade to SuperStar. So, I fatally jumped in with both hands and was set back some time to get things back working.

The LOR installer should include a big WARNING dialog during initial install that you are about to do upgrade to a "demo" version due to license issues and have a escape route to stop the install. But with no such warning, I installed v3.9.0 and found my license key was not valid for a "point" upgrade from v3.8.0 to v3.9.0. Also, I find it a bit unusual for a software product to incur an upgrade charge for a "point" upgrade that's just one step from what a user is currently licensed for.

After uninstalling v3.9.0 and reloading v3.8.0, I am back up and running. However, in searching the LOR website before I found Bob's posting, the license renewal for a point upgrade was elusive. And even the renewal page does not even mention that it's required to go from v3.8.0 to v3.9.0 - an oversight.

Now, that I've installed, uninstalled and about to re-install v3.9.0 as soon as I get my new license, it could have been worse.

Edited by George Cotton
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24 hours on from my fatal oversight I still haven't got lor 3.8.2 working on my show machine. I've installed, re-installed, scrubbed the registry repeatedly, restarted repeatedly, been in contact with support who so far haven't been able to help or to see why things won't work for me and all because I assumed that my S3 upgrade would have covered all 3.X versions. If it wasn't for the fact that I have lor installed on 2 machines in the house and I was able to do some very quick shuffling I would have been even more vocal last night. Hopefully sometime soon 1 of the gurus can tell me why my upgrade/downgrade has been failing.

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This is a screen shot of the download page ..




There is a notice there that reminds you to check your license before you download. Perhaps we propose to LOR that they change the wording to "Check to see if your license covers the latest version." While there is a notice there to check your license, I can see how some people might not put two and two together.

About the forums: If you look on the main forum page, the Important Announcements section is right below the "New Forum Discussion." Still very much at the top of the page (at least in my opinion.)

When you check your license, it will tell you the max version you can run. Usually it has something to the effect of "Max Version: 3.14 (and any future versions released by November 17, 2013.) That date would be one year from the date of purchase.

Also, if you ask my opinion, 3.9 was more than a 'point' upgrade. It included new features such as Superspeed (now called 500K). For those who are unable to register 3.9 due to the status of their license, LOR released a 3.x.2 version of the software that was affected by the memory leak. Thus there was no charge for the bug fix. Even if ones license didn't cover 3.9 they still got the bug fix.

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Perhaps it should have been called v4.0.0 instead if it's all that much of an upgrade. That would have clued almost everybody that there was a possible charge required. I would have gotten my attention, for sure.

I've now upgraded and v3.9.0 appears to be working. All my files, links and everything seem to be as I left them a while ago before this started.


Edited by George Cotton
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24 hours on from my fatal oversight I still haven't got lor 3.8.2 working on my show machine. I've installed, re-installed, scrubbed the registry repeatedly, restarted repeatedly, been in contact with support who so far haven't been able to help or to see why things won't work for me and all because I assumed that my S3 upgrade would have covered all 3.X versions. If it wasn't for the fact that I have lor installed on 2 machines in the house and I was able to do some very quick shuffling I would have been even more vocal last night. Hopefully sometime soon 1 of the gurus can tell me why my upgrade/downgrade has been failing.


I can see that one of the software developers has been assigned your ticket. Hopefully he will come up with a solution for you.

Perhaps it should have been called v4.0.0 instead if it's all that much of an upgrade. That would have clued almost everybody that there was a possible charge required. I would have gotten my attention, for sure.

I've now upgraded and v3.9.0 appears to be working.

There are always going to be people whose license has expired and they either don't know or simply fail to check.

LOR could have been on version 3.4, then released 3.5 and people would have still been in the same boat. Their license had expired and they tried to register the new version. I don't know what LOR could have done differently. (Heck, even putting the notice on the screen would upset some people. "Why did they even let me download it if I can't run it!?")

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Guest wbottomley

This is a screen shot of the download page ..




There is a notice there that reminds you to check your license before you download. Perhaps we propose to LOR that they change the wording to "Check to see if your license covers the latest version." While there is a notice there to check your license, I can see how some people might not put two and two together.

About the forums: If you look on the main forum page, the Important Announcements section is right below the "New Forum Discussion." Still very much at the top of the page (at least in my opinion.)

When you check your license, it will tell you the max version you can run. Usually it has something to the effect of "Max Version: 3.14 (and any future versions released by November 17, 2013.) That date would be one year from the date of purchase.

Also, if you ask my opinion, 3.9 was more than a 'point' upgrade. It included new features such as Superspeed (now called 500K). For those who are unable to register 3.9 due to the status of their license, LOR released a 3.x.2 version of the software that was affected by the memory leak. Thus there was no charge for the bug fix. Even if ones license didn't cover 3.9 they still got the bug fix.

To summarize what Don said... always read the fine print even though it's a different color.

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Yes, it's there and I saw that, but is says valid for S3. Well that's really a broad statement because I did have a valid license for S3, but not S3 v3.9.0, which I have now. But even my new license only says it's good for v3.9.0 and nothing more and no expiration date (yes, I know its one year). Interesting. So, when v3.9.x or v4.x.x come out how will I know I need to upgrade my license yet again?

So, you see, it's still missing the obvious. A simple disclaimer near the actual download link to advise everybody that an upgraded license is required for this version would really have been helpful.

I don't mean to sound unhappy, I'm not, just a little bit frustrated. Still a very happy LOR camper that added his first MegaTree this year. Kinda looks like Snoopy's naked tree with one ornament, but it's up and running. Next year, more lights, a topper and another controller.

Edited by George Cotton
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What might have saved nuffies like me from making the mistake of ignoring the version check is if when you went to do the download it takes you to a confirmation page. I knew that there was a more recent download than what I was using as I live on the auschristmaslighting chat and there's been discussion when each new version comes out. I just googled "light-o-rama download", linked to the page, scrolled down to the latest version and then let the pain begin. As I had been to the download page maybe as much as 20 times before I didn't read everything that was there. :)

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So, you see, it's still missing the obvious. A simple disclaimer near the actual download link to advise everybody that an upgraded license is required for this version would really have been helpful.

But not everyone will need an upgraded license for the next version.

I will, however, go ahead and make the suggestion to LOR that they change the text shown in my screen capture above. I will suggest "Check to see if your license covers the latest version."

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Call me a jerk (you would be far from the first and won't be the last) but I'd rather see LOR spend their limited development resource on adding real features, not things that help people who don't read directions very well ;)

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Guest wbottomley

Call me a jerk (you would be far from the first and won't be the last) but I'd rather see LOR spend their limited development resource on adding real features, not things that help people who don't read directions very well ;)

Good point as well. Their ever growing wish list needs to be implemented.

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And place the download link on that page only.

In all seriousness ... can you download it from somewhere else on the LOR site? (I've never looked, nor run across another page, which is why I ask.)

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Simplest way to make licence max versions more obvious would be to add one extra screen in the install/upgrade program with a button that launches the licence check page in the default browser. Example, someone may download the LOR 3.9 file for a friend (who also has a LOR licence). The friend didn't download that file themselves and hence doesn't see the disclaimer listed online because they never fetched the file from there.

The "Check Your Licence" link on the download page, while bold, was a good idea at the time it was added, because just about everyone needed to pay to renew their licence to get any LOR 3.x release. As people's max versions differ from each other more and more, not everyone needs to renew at the same time.

So, there are two installation modifications that I see which would benefit, one is simple and the other not as simple.

  1. Add one extra screen to new install and upgrade scripts before any files are copied which reminds the user to check their licence with a standard form button that launches a link to the licence checker page.
  2. Add one exta screen that fetches the licence key saved on the computer, from the same location that Help -> About LORSequenceEditor fetches from, and "phone home" to the LOR site with a message that says whether the licence is valid for the version being installed or not.

Here's a mockup of option 1 functionality (link to existing license check):


And a mockup of option 2 functionality (built in to upgrade script mimicking current web-based checker)


Edited by marquisite
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