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Automating loading/unloading LOR Control Panel

Tim Fischer

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I'm having major problems (possibly memory-leak related, and yes I have the update for that) and am losing audio during my show. See my thread regarding that topic:

Anyway, I'm looking for a Plan B just in case LOR doesn't get back to me with a magical fix right away. The way to get audio back is to disable/reenable the shows in the control panel. Is there a way to automate this task? Barring that, is there a way I can tell the show controller to unload, and then reload?

If so, I'll set it up as some sort of timed task in the afternoon hours before the show starts. At least that way I know the show will work for most of the evening, even if I'm away and can't babysit it.

This is frustrating.

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I'm not sure if it'll work for you, but I have my show computer set up to automatically shut down and reboot every morning at 3:00am. It keeps everything running smoothly. Even non-LOR leaks don't cause me problems. If you think this will help you, I'd be glad to give more info. Just lemme know.

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Well, I had to do some looking, but I found this.

From a command line you can: (Windows 7)

taskkill lortray.exe

That will stop the LOR Control Panel.

You can then start the program again via the LORTray.exe command. You could schedule that command to run via the Windows Scheduler, and probably do the trick.

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Thanks to both of you. Aaron if you want to PM me or post here the steps on how you do that, I'd be interested. Don's solution is a little less invasive, so that might be worth a try too.

Don if you can grease the skids on getting an answer to my trouble ticket from LOR, that's even better ;)

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