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Anyone installed from scratch on Vista?

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I have a new pc w/ Vista. I purchased the LOR software back in February. When I install the full version, then try to run the 1.6.3 upgrade, it reports that LOR is not installed on the computer.

Anyone else been down this road? Do I need a full installer for 1.6.3 rather than an upgrade? Thanks for any assistance.

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RandyA wrote:

I have the same problem, but my question is, if I do a sequence in 1.6.3 on the Vista machine will it work on 1.6.1 on my show controller??


I just emailed support, hopefully there is a complete install file for 1.6.3. I am in the same boat as you, using an older machine to actually run the show and a new one to sequence on. However, my understanding is that 1.6.3 will run fine on the older OS as well, so I had just planned on installing 1.6.3 on both machines.
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RandyA wrote:

I have the same problem, but my question is, if I do a sequence in 1.6.3 on the Vista machine will it work on 1.6.1 on my show controller??


Yes. At this time all sequence files created with a 1.5.X or 1.6.X version of the LOR sequence editor will work on all existing LOR controllers.
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OK, just an update. I just did a re-install of the software and selected no to the pop-up errors for the older files. The software installed and ran. I will let you know if anything else shows up, but the software did install. And it seems to be working correctly.


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Im running 1.6.3 and I cant run any Wav audio files other than normal time. 1/4, 1/2 2x or 4x still runs in normal time. My OS is XP. I understand that 1.6.3 works better with Vista..could be wrong about that.

Mark C.

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I was having the same problem all you guys were having. I emailed Dan and he took care of the problem. I would help you out with how he told me to fix it, but I have been sworn to secrecy.;)

Just email Dan and he will help you out...as they always do.


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Ponddude wrote:

I was having the same problem all you guys were having. I emailed Dan and he took care of the problem. I would help you out with how he told me to fix it, but I have been sworn to secrecy.;)

Just email Dan and he will help you out...as they always do.


Ditto, Dan took care of me as well and I am sworn to secrecy also. Contact Dan if you are having problems installing on Vista.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I had this problem with an install on a XP laptop. After a reinstall, all was well.

This sworn to secrecy stuff has got curious as all get out!

I thought of installing on my Vista partition but decided against it. The OS is just too buggy.

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The upgrade makes a number of checks to see if the production software is on your machine. It checks tons of stuff so it is not easy to just download and install. The Upgraded software is encrypted and is not de-decrypted until it verifies you are a LOR user.

The tests work 90%+ of the time but they do sometimes make a mistake... There should be a reason code when the update fails. If you can tell us the reason code it will help us to improve the updater's tests....

The secret part of this, is a secured version of the production install (not a upgrade0 that is online. The User name and Password are change often to keep it from being taken and people do not share that information.

If you get an error with the install of a LOR software upgrade, it should tell you to contact support@lightorama.com. They will verify that you are a legitimate user and get a link to you that allows the download of the full installer.

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