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External Triggers


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I read the How-to checklist and would like to know what is the best way to add the wire to the auxiliary 20 pin header. Is there a type of connector I can use or do I just solder the lines to the pins? Also is there a limit on the length of the wire from the trigger input to the trigger/button?

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I used the exact thing above last year and had a LONG wire ... probably almost 40' of SPT2 wire attached to a LARGE red push button.

I had a small contest opening night and a child pushed to button to start the show.


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Thanks Chuck.

I looked into the header, but I was not sure it would work on my controller. The board is GEN 2 Board and does not look like any of the pics of the installation. I was not planning on soldering and did not think it would be a good idea. I just get with my IT froends at work and see what they got.


I like your idea. We are thinking about, if it works out, to allow the child that we are sponsoring/rasing money for Make-a-Wish, to come to our family/friend opening night and push the button. I am actually going to use one of those battery operated push lights (rewire the battery to the lights) and use the push button switch inside to start the show. I am actually going to repalce the light inside the unit to green LED or a color chaging LED.




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I have 125 feet (each) of 2 sets of 4 conductor wire for my 6 (large) push buttons.

No problems with the length at all....

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