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CMB-16d Dc board wont run chanels

Scot Meyers

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so I have been working on this animated gemmy deer head hack and the project is just about done. i have tested each motor using the power supply that came with the deer(9vdc 3amp) and each motor runs ok. so i installed my cmb16d yesterday, and it powers up fine and the hardware controll software recognizes the board. so that part work great so i shut it off and intalled the wires to the motors.

ch 1 deer mouth

ch2 ears move

ch3 head up and down

ch4 head side 2 side

then i add the 9vdc 3 amp power supply and then turn it all back on. the board works but the channels will not operate.

any help will be great here thanks a bunch

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Wait, what ?? Run 12v motors off the board?? :o how are you doing this? Did you read the manual?

Pg 4.

This controller has Common Anode (common positive) outputs. This means that the positive

voltage is applied to all outputs continuously and the negative is switched.

Just how are you trying to move the motors?

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