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Can't use Beat, tapper or VU tools


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All of a sudden I can not use any of the tools in the software. I get a DEP error and it shuts down the sequencer, any ideas?? Start a new sequence, import channels config, all good, go to use any of the tools and I get the DEP and shuts down. Windows xp , version 3.3.0.

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Nope, somebody just told me they downloaded a program "Apple software update and itunes", will that cause it?? How muck is a funeral these days for a kid that does that?

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Did a reboot, nothing. Removed the programs, nothing. Going for a restore.

Edited by shfr26
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Did 2 restores, yesterdays date, did not work, last week and all I can get it the tapper to work, Vu and beat still give me the DEP thing. Dang it, what now??

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Okay, did some more checking,all the tools work in some sequences, some work in others, and none of them work in some. I am so confused. Running microsoft security essentials with the newest updates.

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Thanks folks, actually talked to Donny, and he walked me through it. Thanks Donny, and thanks william for the advice. So far it works and you know what they say about that, "if it works, don't @#$% with it".. Will do the http://www.lightorama.com/downloads/3.3.0/LORRegistryWipe.exe, in the AM. If you want to know what caused the problem, call Donny, for a few bucks, I'll give you his phone number. :D :D :P

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Thanks folks, actually talked to Donny, and he walked me through it.

Donny... the same Donny I'm thinking of? You mean he's really that smart? :P

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Donny... the same Donny I'm thinking of? You mean he's really that smart? :P

He only had to be smarter than me and that is very easy. :)

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Well crap, back to step one, my vis will not work now. All the props and channels are set up and assigned but it will not start. Checked IP and port, thats all good.

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Just a long shot Pete, but have you updated the WMP? I seem to remember something not working because of that. Oh, and don't feel bad, the Beat Wizard won't work on my Vista machine, never has.

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Just a long shot Pete, but have you updated the WMP? I seem to remember something not working because of that. Oh, and don't feel bad, the Beat Wizard won't work on my Vista machine, never has.

Yes I did, running Xp, never had this problem before. Getting ready to say screw it, and go back to the animation screen. And by the way, all the lights I got from you are still working, thanks man, great deal. Still have a few extra strings in the same box, just in case.

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One browser only, if I can't get this fixed, I may just scrap the show. Don't want to spend hours and hours on it and then something else crash and will have wasted my time.

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