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Copy and Paste Standard Channels to RGB Channels


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Is there an easy way to do this?

I am copying channels from my 2011 sequence into my new 2012 sqeuence but the 2012 channels are RGB so if I copy a sequence for 10 tombstones from my 2011 sequence and paste that onto my 10 RGB channels it treats the RGB channels as 3 channels each which makes sense but I am curious if there is a way to paste the timing from a standard channel onto an RGB channel without going one by one.

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The timing grid you use doesn't care what kind of channels you have. You can overlay different timing grids and/or copy and paste timings between sequences (or even between tracks in the same sequence) regardless of what kind of channels you have.

Edited by George Simmons
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George, I believe you misunderstood the question.

Shaggy, Here's what I do: If last year was a single color and now have RGB, then copy the item from last year and paste it to one of the RGB colors. From there you can move your instances to another color. If last year was RGBW, then copy the RGB first, then paste. Then copy the white, in the new one in the tools side bar, be sure the 'paste from foreground' is checked, then paste in all three colors to get your white timings without interferring with the other colors. Be sure your timing grids are the same in both old and new!

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