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Network help!


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These networks are getting the best of me! I am going to run 4 networks this year. Because my laptop only has 3 USB ports I am going to use a USB hub for 2 networks. I did a test run last night with no success.

I went into Hardware and set all the Comm ports for 3 networks (the 4th is a DMX) and then went into SE and under Network Preferences I made the appropriate changes to the Regular, Aux A and Aux B.

The regular network and DMX worked just fine but my Aux A and Aux B did not work at all. Now, these two were the ones plugged into my USB hub. But, when I tried to plug them straight into a USB port and rerun the sequence they still didn't work.

My first guess is the USB hub is not very good (not sure how old it is), but I also don't want to spend $300 on a first class one as well.

I did test Aux A and Aux B in Superstar (since they both controll my CCRs) and they worked great. I know I have the Network Preferences setup correctly (at least I think), so it just leads me to believe something else is wrong. Hub?? Setup?? Not sure.

Any advice?



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You lost me on the hardware setup for 3 networks? HWU only lets you test one at a time

Sadly HWU STILL does not show the network name assigned to the comm port even though it is set and known in the registry. An unnecessary confusion point for people upgrading to multiple networks.

Select one of the not working comm ports in HWU and try a test there. Your adapter and lights plugged in it should find the controllers.

In SE you need to assign the channels for the controller too. Tools / channel configuration / Change controller Set each of your controllers to the new network.

I recommend you use a unit ID only once.. Not once per network (dont use unit 01 on both Regular and AuxA) This will allow you to move the units around within your networks easier in the future.

Save your sequence then you need to export the config and import it into all of your sequences one-by-one.

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In Hardware, I did get the Comm port set for each network, and it did find the controllers that were hooked up once I hit refresh. The thing that is getting me the most is setting each channel to a network. All my standard LOR controllers are on the regular network, and all my CCRs are on Aux A and Aux B. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there isn't a place in SE that I can set a CCR to a network. I did this in Superstar, and I assume that would transfer over when I copied and pasted it in SE, right? That's the part I'm wondering if I need to work on. Hmmmmmmm

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Goto TOOLS>CHANNEL CONFIGURATION and change the network to Aux 'A' or 'B' there, you will have to do it for each channel.

Another way is add new CCR's to your sequence with the Aux 'A' and 'B' defined then copy and paste your CCR sequences to the new CCR's, then delete your old CCR's.

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Goto TOOLS>CHANNEL CONFIGURATION and change the network to Aux 'A' or 'B' there, you will have to do it for each channel.

Another way is add new CCR's to your sequence with the Aux 'A' and 'B' defined then copy and paste your CCR sequences to the new CCR's, then delete your old CCR's.

I will give that a try! I can honestly say I don't remember setting the network when I made the CCR channels in the SE. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. Thanks.

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I think I figured out what went wrong. When I looked in Tool --> Channel Configuration, I noticed that all my CCRs were under the "Regular" network. I will now go back and change them. Am I able to change them using the Channel Configuration or do I need to delete the current CCR channels and re-add them? Thanks to those with your help and advice! Blessings.


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Yes, just go to TOOLS>Channel Configuration and you will see a button "Change Controller"

Click it and you can do that quickly, you can change the Network, ID number, and channel numbers for each controller.

Edited by Dennis Cherry
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